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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. BRB.. Putting my trans am on bricks in my front yard next to 3 rusty bikes and a broke down riding lawn mower. If im losing value Im going to make it worth it dammit! P.S. does anyone have a bird bath, a few old tires, and a pink flamingo I can use?
  2. My house was $180 7 years ago, now its worth $148 as of today.. Remember the days when houses where an investment? We just threw away 30k plus interest. :fuuuu: Note: I know its still an investment.. at least it is for some of you.
  3. Im not saying its the drivers fault. Im saying it could be avoided if the people controlled their speed. And with kids there are plenty of parents that find out their kids have learned how to open the front door the hard way. Balls fly into the street, dogs slip off their leashes... basically shit happens. Not everyone can fore see the future or plan for everything. I would hope people are respecting the fact that its a residential neighborhood. Its why speed limits are slow enough to allow a typical person to react. Not the fault of the driver if someone is in the street (unless there is a sign saying yield to pedestrians), but the speed limit is there to protect against accidents.
  4. I think what hes saying is if they were driving at an acceptable rate of speed it could have been avoided (outside of the leash part of it). Imagine if it was a kid instead of a dog. Ive seen plenty of toddlers take off at full speed in my day.
  5. You sure? No no parking signs, hydrant etc. Typically means street parking is 100% legal. Liabilty should fall on the moving objects as the car is static and legally parked. My next door neighbors kid came out from behind a parked car on his bike and was hit by a car. The kids parents had to pay for the car repair. The car on the street was a surburban and he couldnt see around it. The owner was present when the officer told the kid to stop and look or cross at a different point if he valued his life. Side note.. Same kid got hit by a car the next year on his brand new bike. Little dude has more accidents at 13 than some adults.
  6. Shes going ape shit on the entire neighborhood and calling authorities rather than coming over and talking it out like a respectable adult.
  7. I was taking a piss when the quake hit. First time ever I didnt have to manually shake it.
  8. Scott does makes a nice rifle. Thank you sir!!
  9. Will do. The one I was going to buy to replace this was a pos with a bunch of trinkets. Kind of broke my heart because it looked bad ass, but was a death trap :fuuuu: Im just glad I tested it out first. I was going to save up $2k to buy a pos in January.
  10. He has 3 daughters that he made stay inside and read all day long. I told my son not to be the one that makes them pregnant when they turn into hookers later. If he would have said its too loud I would have said cool and stopped. He said he doesnt care if its basketball, 4 square, football, tag, or them just sitting on my porch... he simply doesnt want a "gang" in front of his house. He threatened me, I got a little mad, he got a little scared, the front yard got a little for rent sign. The little end :gabe: Sorry OP. got a little side tracked. Talk to her first, if she keeps it up start calling the cops on her. There are so many possible violations that there is no way people know them all. Beat her at her own game and see if she gets the point.
  11. Moved to India for a year and is renting out the house. Summer vacation for the kids was fun and drama free. :fuckyeah:
  12. Knock on the door, be an angry black man, watch them move back to India... worked for me. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92541
  13. Sorry guys.. The deal on the other rifle I was selling this to buy fell through. Keeping it for now. Joe Ill contact you first f I do put it up again. When are you due back in the states?
  14. Thanks Scott, 2 pending sales.
  15. Quoting, printing, hanging up at his desk :lolguy:
  16. Deal! On a side note I was by his desk today and heard him going at it with a caller. After it was over he looked at me and said, "I just got double teamed by two dudes." I laughed
  17. I figured at this price it would be sold already.
  18. Damn.. Would have been nice to get one for my son for school at that price. Oh well.. I dont have the time to run around like its black friday
  19. Good point. Ill change it tomorrow. You have 24 hours to find a good name.. What you chose will be your name for the rest of the year so choose wisely.
  20. With it being blank you can make your name what ever you want it to be. Just grab a sharpie and write on the screen....
  21. Its got more in it based on the 60ft and tire spin.
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