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Everything posted by superchevy72

  1. superchevy72

    Nasty Snatch

    Just seems that there has been alot of threads about this whole thing and it just keeps going and going and going. I dont see why she was allowed to come back under a different name after she was banned for making threats.
  2. superchevy72

    Nasty Snatch

    Is this shit ever going to stop?
  3. Ill be in south carolina for the weekend. have fun guys
  4. bump for a good deal, i paid almost twice that for my snap on box
  5. Built ford tuff with Chevy stuff welcome aboard.
  6. Gonna try and make it out tonight. I was gonna come up there last night but i didnt think you guys would be out because of the rain.
  7. I disagree, Id rather take an ass beating then go to prison.
  8. Looks too much like the camaro, not "pontiac" enough
  9. superchevy72


    Well, If he backs down that just proves my point that he doesnt belong here. And the nova is slow it needs a big block
  10. I dont have kids, but if i did i wouldnt bring them along if they were real young. now, once they got older i most likely would on occasion but my dad didnt start taking me to stuff like that until i was about 15. Even tho i was already really into cars by then.
  11. superchevy72


    sup will, good to see you on here bro
  12. superchevy72


    You seem to love to twist my words dont you? how about we race instead of you making smart ass coments on here? Any race you want,dig roll w/e, 200$ put up or shut up.
  13. superchevy72


    Dude seriously, wtf are you talking about?
  14. superchevy72


    Work till 11, then QS&L
  15. Let me know if you need anything for it. I found the 72 nova i used to have. Its for sale but its all taken apart, thinkin of pickin it up as a parts car. Plus i got a bunch of random nova stuff sitting around in the garage.
  16. Nova's arent work benches Bill, they are real cars and they have feelings. Shame on you for covering her up like that. lol J/K
  17. How much for the accel dist,coil and wires? Lol 3 nova's in this thread :woowoo:
  18. superchevy72


    Andrew, A) I said something about putting a motor i had sitting around in my garage in that monza and see how long b4 it destroyed itself. and you definitley tryed to tell everyone that car was fast and ran 11's and that shit. B) I bled the brakes for you, then told you that some of them needed replaced. Dont forget YOU ASKED ME to bleed your brakes for you. C) WTF are you talking about? i dont even have a camaro. D) My dad GAVE nick that computer, as in no money was exchanged. and what does it matter what kind of computer i have? i thought this was a car site. Point is, you dont belong here. Im glad you found a car you enjoy but i dont think this site is for you. go back to your autocross and trying to flame on muscle cars to everyone you talk to.
  19. what ever happened to the girl that used to be on that show? think her name was shannon. she just kinda dissapeared on morning and randi was there a few days later.
  20. Never heard of it. where is it at and when do they close? i get off early tonight at 7
  21. How was the install? It will be carbed so kinda different than what you have but im going to be doing it myself with (hopefully) some help from a friend of mine who has one on his 78 vette.
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