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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. So Ben must really love his wife as he bought her one of the nicest Overland edition Jeeps I've seen. LOVE the color. Reminds me of the Fusion I had only the paint is also among the nicest I've seen. It's not without orange peal but the the clear coat and color are fantastic. Goal was to clean it up and provide some protection going into winter. Ben said it was last waxed in Feb. 2015 and I would concur. Lots of waterspots etched into the hood and roof but nothing that couldn't be removed. Great news is the paint corrected beautifully and a solid 99.9% correction was achieved. I was able to remove a couple small scratches from the hatch where it seemed to have met the garage door The remianing one could be corrected but not this go-round. Just needs some clear coat fill and sanding. The outcome left the paint not only hugely reflective which let's the metallic just jump out in the sunlight (not much of it today though) but also as slick as wet-ice. Not much in the way of contaminants is going to stick to this baby for a while. The process: Meg's Gold Class wash Red/Medium Nano Sponged Iron X Polished with a Flex 3401 DA Orange Hybrid Force Pads HD Speed topped with Collinite 845 Wolfgang Exterior Trim Sealant (WETS) on the trim More Shine Tire Spray - I like water based stuff. Sealant version coming soon. Opti-Seal on the glass which does a great job in lieu of an actual coating On to the pics: Before Pic of the tailgate scratches: http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161016_105939%20web_zpsos58cnfj.jpg Just the one remains and it's barely noticeable at normal viewing distance. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161016_114045%20web_zpsr2h8q927.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161016_140431%20web_zps0osvopev.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161016_140451%20web_zpstaqkrnyz.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161016_140510%20web_zpsfdqqfaxg.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161016_140943%20web_zpsq6mk2c1y.jpg Thanks for viewing and thanks too to Ben for trusting me with this gem. I hope you enjoy it! Even during the rain that started while you were in route to pick it up :thumbdown Save
  2. ^^ This. Such a great night for a game too. We heard cheers from several yards/homes in our area. Was definitely a football party night. Neighbors are doing fireworks now
  3. Patrick brought his new Daily Driver, a 2013 Lexus with 80k+ on the ODO over for a bit of a refresh and coating so that it stays nice year-round. The car overall was in pretty clean shape outside a number of scratches from the Previous Owner. The gloss was good but not outstanding likely due in part to the P.O. not doing much with it. Goal was to take it up a few notches but not worry about perfection because as Patrick said, if it looks too good he might start to care/worry about it and as a DD he didn't didn't need that stress. Sorry to say, it's time to start resisting Patrick as the car responsded beautifully to the single step polish I gave it. Darn near 100% full correction outside a couple of deeper scratches that the PO touched up with the wrong color paint :doh: That's something we can always address and fix later though. Anyway, it's looking sexy in my gararge and I love the car overall. It was on my short list when shopping and now it's back on the list of cars to get for the wife....whether she likes it or not. On with the show.... Before Pic showing slightly dirty side of her and certainly one without any last step protection on it so dirt clung to her like velcro. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_081713%20web_zpsaqnrewds.jpg Once really bad and very clear clear-coat etch from a bird turd. Tried with care to reduce it but care has to be had as the clear coat here is likely nearly gone. It's hardly noticeable to anyone unless you point it out. A good example to others though to show the power of poop. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_122831%20web%20better_zpsfzdghucz.jpg In the end she cleaned up awesome. 1 Step polish and a coating to seal in the goodness. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_151828%20web_zpsrkazmoor.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_151755%20web_zpspa6owtfz.jpg Now the flake really pops in the sunshine! http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_151259%20web_zpsymromqtx.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_151225%20web_zpsqin1votz.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_151149%20web_zpsujabsymr.jpg I love this front end http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_145348%20web_zpslmkpmkab.jpg Reflection of my organized chaos garage http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/20161015_081803%20web_zpsjlcdu5tj.jpg Thanks for viewing and thanks to Patrick for the opportunity and trust to bring his daily driver to perfection. Lexus...you're no longer in need of pursuing it as it's above! Save
  4. Thanks for the props. Headlights are pretty easy. Wetsand with 1500 and watch the yellow milky haze of UV Rot wash away. Once they are clear of that it's time to hit with 3000 grit. From there I polish them up and seal. Sealant takes about 1hr to cure and goes on like honey. Just have to be careful not to let it run or you'll need to sand and redo any drips. More to come. Patrick's Daily GS350 F-Sport is looking sexy in my garage. Pics of that forthcoming. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161015_145348%20web_zpspievlqss.jpg and because I couldn't help myself: http://www.clublexus.com/forums/attachments/gs-fourth-generation/261700d1351188275-supercharged-4gs-f-sport-gs_predator_edition.jpg PM or text me and we'll line her up. 614-795-4907 Save
  5. So a member here added a high mileage 2006 Pilot to the family but wasn't happy with the chalked out single stage paint. Good news is this Honda Code Paint holds up better than most of their shitty clear coats which if it was would no doubt would have failed miserably over the years due to the lack of care it's received. Believe it or not I'm not a huge Before and After photo bug when it comes to polishing as I tend to receive and start working on vehilcles in less than ideal lighting. After shots are what count anyway. White, especially chalky white is hard to capture anyway. This one however looked like you left wax on it and let it haze it was that bad. Owner hasn't picked it up yet but I'm sure he will be thrilled. A few CR Peeps stopped by and saw it and I'll let them vouch for the results too. Enjoy the show and contact me if you need the same done for your ride. Chalky Looking Paint looks and feels plain bad: http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161013_174704%20before%20web_zpskz4ea5iv.jpg The paint resembled the headlights. The owner was initially against doing them but I think they will agree, it's great that they did. Here's a before shot as it rolled in. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161013_211252%20web_zpszf9auiim.jpg Washed her up really good then worked to have the Ferrous Metals chemically removed: She was bleeding like a stuck pig everywhere but the door jams which don't see much in the way of environmental crap. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161013_184006%20web_zpsgygavr6r.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161013_184018%20web_zpsebvd38ii.jpg Even the tail lights were hazy and scratched: http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161013_174716%20before%20web_zpsdwfkbve6.jpg Great news is she's like new again. Even the trim came back like new and is sealed up good. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161014_113604%20web_zpscpo5njyc.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161014_112825%20web_zpsgajunxko.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161014_112546%20web_zpskxg4wjta.jpg Lights are crystal clear and sealed against any UV Damage with both a sepecific sealant for the job and then a layer of hybrid sealant that went over the entire vehicle. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/20161014_112621%20web_zpsxzvtgipz.jpg Before and after. My bad for not lining up the shots to do the animation. You get the idea though. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah133/PDQS4/Misc%20Detailing/headlight-animation_zpsfhmehxh6.gif Hopefully if the weather stays nice I'll get some good shots that show off the gloss level. I had one person that saw it after who asked if the car was re-clear coated Certainly looks and feels that way now! For those curious, this correction was done with a simple one-step polish that corrects and seals. I added a second layer of a hybrid sealant that should carry this vehicle through spring without any issue. This was chosen to minimize cost and maximize value for a daily driver. Single stage paint does age and fade faster so I have recommended a couple Wipe on Walk Away products for the owner to use monthly so that he can extend the durability and protection before a spring refresh is needed. The vehicle is about 90% corrected from swirls but 110 for gloss. Both were the exact goals for a 200k daily driver brought back from the dead. Thanks for viewing! Save Save
  6. TTQ B4U

    New here

    I do but only when I'm in the shower.
  7. Very cool indeed. On my short-list for sure. LOL. Actually the old-school way that I'm thinking of which is a really simple and clean way is with these hooks: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGTTEW/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=252YBUCMFWRFS&coliid=I38ANRK30T0290 I like the fact that it has a holder/stop for the rear tires too. I'm thinking in front of the wife's van high enough to clear the hood but low enough that my son who is strong and my wife can get to them. Even if I can only fit 3 side by side to leave plenty of space I'd be good. I can hang mine from the ceiling and get it down without issue if I'm going to ride. Keep them coming guys! Love the new ideas.
  8. Okay CR Cyclists, what's the best system/way to store bikes. We have four of them and I see tons of means to store them. Not just on hooks from the ceiling in the winter but something that my wife and son can take the bike down from too. Show me what you use or would use if you had four full size bikes to store.
  9. Epson ES1000. Paid $130 new at Staples. Used a couple times. Still in box. Everything including box in NEW condition. Asking $35 Come make me some space in the garage. Thanks! Tim 614-795-4907 cell Couple quick links to review: http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/epson-offers-portable-50-inch-projector-screen-for-mobile-pros-2011-02-15/ http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2387520,00.asp
  10. Zero debt Depth of detailing....I will email you a listing and description of the four packages. Everything from Basic wash with decontamination and sealing to full-on paint correction to the level of the customers needs. Coating wise, I use McKee's 37 and Pinnacle Coatings. Sealants I have a number of them. Menzerna Powerlock, Blackfire Products including their Montain 'nauba, the Trio of Collinite hybrids, HD Products, and others. Currently I'm focusing on exteriors. I can do interiors but I currently do not have a steam extractor so really trashed vehicles are going to have to wait until next spring. Light to Moderate Interiors are good to go.
  11. http://www.neverenoughworlds.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/One-Million-Dollars.jpg Will send your PM this afternoon. You're special you know...
  12. PM's sent to all. I'm officially into the mix as a CR Detailer. Sponsorship fees have been paid as of today and I'll be putting forth more information to all shortly. I also hope to be adding more services shortly. This is not my full-time gig, thus like Andy, I work around your schedule and mine but am very flexible. Currently I'm doing work at my home and hope to be mobile by spring. I do have the ability to detail during the winter as well so let's not let the cold weather hold anyone back. Thanks to all those that have contacted me and continued thanks to Anthony, Tina, Mitch and others who have helped foster a great community here. TIm
  13. any request for more of my money via a vote can kiss my ass. never have and never will vote to give up more of my money under our current leadership. if I can I'll write a big FUCK YOU in. perhaps even tape that shit to the machines.
  14. Agree This Agree In the end, I'll be hitting the poles and while I'm not for Trump, I am against the most corrupt bitch in Washington.
  15. Looks like it was a great turnout! WOW! Wish I could have gone. Let's for sure keep a follow up post if others look to head over again.
  16. TTQ B4U

    F-22 fleet

    My lab is right there. I wish I was in town to see that. Love watching them come in Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
  17. More incentive to burn up the PSS I just put on this summer :fuuuu:Save
  18. Kyle at PPC on 23 north of Meijer. Treated me right on two different occasions with the Viper Smart Start Package. They wired up the Audi so nicely it looks better than factory and works flawlessly. They do all different levels / types though, you don't have to go with Smart Start.
  19. as many people as you have words I claim any and all mineral rights to this post.
  20. I think the lowered one is Rocky's old one...
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