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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. http://media1.gameinformer.com/images/news/flowchart.jpg It is just too big to hotlink.
  2. 87GT

    thank you semi

  3. 87GT

    Starcraft 2 beta

    http://darkblizz.org/Forum2/sc2-tools/starcraft-ii-beta-launcher/ Download the new launcher. Difficulty settings it says.
  4. 87GT

    thank you semi

    End yourself it is the only way to fix things.
  5. The only good lunchables are the ones that have capri sun drinks!
  6. When you hit VTEC you can't control your actions.
  7. When did toys r us start selling firearms? I should go shop there more often.
  8. http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/tdomf/131544/expression-cat.jpg
  9. 87GT

    Xbox help.

    Use a hardware router. Works with any operating system ever made.
  10. 87GT

    Change is here!!!

    True but that is why in my last post I said "existing medical conditions". I am not going to go into our medical history but it wouldn't work out in our favor. Trust me I talked to a few people about it before I made the decision. But thanks for the help.
  11. 87GT

    Change is here!!!

    We have an HSA option at work. The Family Deductible is $2,520 and annual coinsurance is $5,800, then 80/20 as normal (FOR SURGERY). Only problem here is surgery last time was real close to the time I could change my insurance if needed. So maybe 2 months I could of used to dump money into my HSA. Even so I would of paid more with HSA???? If I was single I surely would have HSA, but being married and existing medical conditions doesn't make HSA cost effective.
  12. 87GT

    Change is here!!!

    $15,000 plus whatever the cost of the drugs to put her under. I have to pay the $800 deductible, then the coinsurance $5800, then insurance pays 80% then we pay 20%. Still after this we end up with $3000-4000 medical bills. It seems every year she has surgery they deny her coverage saying she isn't on my plan or some other BS reason. I call and bitch for 4-5 months faxing in every fucking piece of paper under the sun they request. Bill goes into collections since insurance doesn't even pay a penny and neither do I. I bitch at collections again for a few months. I e-mail bomb the board of directors of my insurance company. A week later they call me back and fix the problem. Then I pay my part. This happens every 2 years I am not lying. Next time I will e-mail bomb first before calling their customer service.
  13. 87GT

    Change is here!!!

    $80 a pay check for just wife and I. Kids would be extra. $40 copay to go to doctor office. It is 80/20 after my out of pocket deductible is paid. I just can't remember right now how much that is. Edit: $84 a paycheck. $800 family deductible. Maximum annual coinsurance is $5,800. Last year coinsurance was $6000. Really surprised it was lowered.
  14. 87GT


    Team Sleep needs to release more albums.
  15. 87GT

    Change is here!!!

    In my case where my wife will have surgery every 2 years it won't work out. If I would of picked the HSA account I would have to pay a lot more on medical bills. It doesn't work in every case :mad:
  16. 87GT

    Change is here!!!

  17. http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/tdomf/131274/herp%20dong.jpg
  18. Only way that would be true is if TechnoViking raves in a parade while on a motorcycle.
  19. I am not going to lie I only use my touch screen keyboard for one thing, sexting. Otherwise physical keyboard ftw. Gabe hit me up on sms in about 3 hours and we can talk about what you are wearing.
  20. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2901290/Motorviking-gives-me-the-horn.html This guy is awesome. You will never be as awesome as him.
  21. Lose license for being blind.
  22. http://sas.guidespot.com/bundles/guides_a2/assets/widget_cUadCDvQbmy4tZAf0FKAfI.jpg
  23. 87GT

    Starcraft 2 beta

    Uninstall reinstall try again Try downloading lazylaunch directly from http://teknogods.com/
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