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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. I was wanting to check this place out soon. Sounds like the trip would be a waste of time. Thanks for saving me a drive
  2. http://i.imgur.com/WhD57wy.gifv
  3. I would up the PSU. If you install any extra hard drives in the future you might need more juice.
  4. 87GT

    Time Warner Cable

    http://www.wowway.com/network-management/north No one at customer service could explain II. NETWORK PRACTICES under A. Congestion Management: to me. I asked the techs that came out if they are truly throttling connections and they said no. I don't know what the truth is. I can tell you my house pulls more data than average users. We haven't had cable for 6+ years. When we are awake there is at least 2 devices streaming netflix/hulu/youtube. I checked my monthly data with TWC online account page. We use 400-500GB a month. I thought about trying UVERSE but they say they only allow 250GB a month then you get charged per 10GB of traffic. No one I know of that uses UVERSE ever comes close to this. I don't want to try it though. They charge a $150? one time setup fee.
  5. 87GT

    Time Warner Cable

    I know a few coworkers that said nothing but good things about WOW. It must be better in certain parts of the city.
  6. My current gaming rig I built from 2011. Only thing I have replaced was the video card. It wasn't broken I just wanted a newer one. ASUS P8P67 Pro Motherboard i7-2600 3.4Ghz 8GB Cosair DDR3 GeForce GTX 760 Ti 3GB 850Watt Corsair PSU 120 GB Samsung SSD 2TB, 1TB, 500GB data hard drives. All games play fine on medium. Most games work on max settings if I don't have the screen resolution super high. Newest games do not. 8GB of RAM is the lowest I would run for gaming. i7 CPU for sure don't do i5.
  7. AimHi is okay but pricey. I wish I owned land in the Kuntry and could shoot outside.
  8. 87GT

    Time Warner Cable

    I've had Insight/TWC. They are expensive but my internet speeds are consistent. I tried WOW internet once. Worst idea I ever made. It was the same speeds at half of the cost as TWC. Sounded like a great deal. Every night after 7PM-12AM my speeds were 1-2Mb/s. Any other time of the day it was 20-30Mb/s. Customer service was kind of bad. All they did was read a script and if that didn't fix it lets send out a tech. The techs were nice people. I had the same one come out 2 out of the 4 times I complained. The 2nd time he gave me a brand new modem. He also rewired my connection from the pole to my house. He even replaced the wiring inside my house. It didn't fix the problem though. My guess is there are too many people around my house with WOW and it can not handle the load during peak hours. So I canceled and they didn't even try to get me to stay. "Oh I see we came out 4 times already and you still have issues... okay I will cancel you right now." Never had that ever happen when canceling anything. TWC is fine now. I rather pay double for consistent speeds. Moral of the story if it works don't switch companies.
  9. I wish. They could also just take my state refund and send it to the city. I would be fine with not filling out another tax form.
  10. 87GT

    Lunch at work

    Microwave bags of frozen rice and random vegetables is an easy lunch. I hope you can stand being vegetarian for a meal. The ones at target are pretty cheap. They are always my go to when I don't feel like cooking. You could add leftover chicken breasts if you want protein. Lunch meat sandwiches are always good. I go for salty italian pork. Buy from the deli not the pre-packaged shit. This is one of the reasons God made animals. Prosciutto, cajun chicken or turkey, and baby swiss is the best. Salami is another option. Salad is easy and comes in a bag. Don't do the frozen TV dinner meals. That food is so bad for your body.
  11. Oriental ramen noodles are the best flavor. Spicy chicken is 2nd best. If you make both at the same time it is out of this world!
  12. I honestly don't care that he is receiving all this money. As it was stated he just goes to work he didn't ask for a handout. I also believe he is in great health physically and mentally for doing what he needs to do for work. Great for him and anyone else like this. But walking that far every day is not healthy for an elderly person. It is not healthy for a young person. It is also not healthy for his family. I am sure this guy has someone who he is close to. Someone who loves and cares about him. He could be in an accident and run over by a drunk driver. One day he might trip and fall on ice and break a bone. Maybe something worse happens? What if no stranger was there to pick him up? How much sleep does this guy get a night? Doesn't seem like a healthy amount with all the walking he does. Why doesn't he at least ride a bike? Why doesn't he buy a $500 beater? Why doesn't he have anyone like a coworker, family, or some other person he knows drive him to work? There are so many other ways to look at this. Yes he is a great person, yes he is an inspiration to all working class, and yes he is a strong independent individual. Congratulations on doing your job and being a positive member of society. You might want to figure out a safer way of doing this. Your family loves you and wants you to be safe. Hearts and flowers <3 87GT
  13. 87GT

    FS 22LR ammo

    Bump Quantities updated
  14. This guy is crazy. Getting a ride from a coworker doesn't mean you are not independent. I am going to start walking to my job if this is how it works.
  15. 87GT

    Apple watch

    You know what is cooler than having a smartphone that needs a charge everyday? A watch that needs a charge everyday.
  16. 87GT

    FS 22LR ammo

    2 Federal Automatch and 4 Aguila Supermaximum pending sale. Everything else still for sale.
  17. 87GT

    FS 22LR ammo

  18. 87GT

    FS 22LR ammo

    $100 for all. I will include a small plastic ammo box if you buy everything. Otherwise prices are as follows. 2 - Federal spitfire hyper-velocity hollow points 50 round box $5 each 1 - Aguila Supermaximum hyper velocity 50 round box $5 each 3 - Winchester wildcat high velocity 50 round box $5 each 2 - Remington cyclone hollow point 50 round box $5 each 2 - Federal Automatch Target 325 round box $20 each
  19. You can move music and pictures from your phone through itunes. They save as normal files that can be played on a computer and another phone like android. You are overthinking it I used to use http://www.i-funbox.com/ as an alternative to itunes. It is really easy.
  20. http://i.imgur.com/qCkxM01.jpg?2 http://i.imgur.com/rZVVfW9.jpg?1
  21. Great deal and great gun. If you want to sell the holster separately PM me.
  22. $500 For sale is my Mac mini late 2012 model. 2.5GHz i5 CPU. I upgraded the physical hard drive to 128GB SSD and put in an extra 4GB of ram. It has a 8GB total. It will include the power wire, apple wireless keyboard, apple wireless magic trackpad, apple mini displayport to VGA adapter. I can take pics of the hardware tonight. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/30/41849bf15f7a8a5cbdfda58a6c8a8549.jpghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/30/7b9cb0987f8afe17677947a49750fe83.jpg
  23. 87GT


    Half Life 3 will be in my Steam Library before Elio's first car rolls off the assembly line.
  24. Yes. Please sell me a keltec sub2000 that takes glock 9mm mags.
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