I honestly don't care that he is receiving all this money. As it was stated he just goes to work he didn't ask for a handout. I also believe he is in great health physically and mentally for doing what he needs to do for work. Great for him and anyone else like this. But walking that far every day is not healthy for an elderly person. It is not healthy for a young person. It is also not healthy for his family. I am sure this guy has someone who he is close to. Someone who loves and cares about him. He could be in an accident and run over by a drunk driver. One day he might trip and fall on ice and break a bone. Maybe something worse happens? What if no stranger was there to pick him up? How much sleep does this guy get a night? Doesn't seem like a healthy amount with all the walking he does. Why doesn't he at least ride a bike? Why doesn't he buy a $500 beater? Why doesn't he have anyone like a coworker, family, or some other person he knows drive him to work? There are so many other ways to look at this.
Yes he is a great person, yes he is an inspiration to all working class, and yes he is a strong independent individual. Congratulations on doing your job and being a positive member of society. You might want to figure out a safer way of doing this. Your family loves you and wants you to be safe.
Hearts and flowers <3 87GT