Trowa says a drunk in public night is not noted as being awesome until someone comes home with an item and forgot how it happened.
Example include but are not limited to: (not that I have ever done any of this... or condone stealing!)
50 pound Goose Lawn ornament
Cloth "High Water" construction sign
"Santa Stop Here" yard sign
A magnetic "School Transportation" sign attached to your car or a friends car
Any large garden tool (shovel etc)
A night would be considered Epic if the following is found when waking up, again with no memory of how this happened
At least 25 "vote for x" of the same yard signs that end up in your or a friends yard
At least 15 road construction barrels with working flashing lights circled around your car
A front yard filled with plastic forks with the "fingers" sticking up
At least 2 strangers of the opposite sex sleeping with you
You guys better step up your game