I was happy when I smoked. I think you smoked the wrong substance before you posted this. People are assholes before they start smoking. Once they smoke then they think they are better then you.
Remember before Ohio came in and said you all suck and can't smoke in public places? Remember when you could light up in a restaurant? Remember when smoking and non-smoking sections were not blocked by walls and/or separate ventilation?
Dennys is a prime example. I don't understand some of you asshats. I never wanted to smoke before or while I was eating. Some of you smokers feel the need to eat with a cig in your hand. I ASKED one person very polite if he minded putting out his cig while I ate. He was sitting next to me in the smoking section EATING while smoking. Damn it was like I scuffed his new par of Pumas. He threw a fit like a girl PMS'ing. "Oh its a free country I can do whatever I want. etc etc." I pulled out my Djarum clove cigs. I said "look friend I smoke as well but I like to eat without smoke in my face. Can you just put it out for 5 minutes while I eat my breakfast? I will even give you 3 of my cigs right now if you put yours out." OH MY GOD I think a vein in his head exploded after I said that.
Smokers like that are asshats pure and simple. I have rights just as much as you do. If you are upset don't take it out on other people.