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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. Sometimes I just stick my dick out my door. The back yard is closer then my bathroom anyways.
  2. WTF? I was happy when I smoked. I think you smoked the wrong substance before you posted this. People are assholes before they start smoking. Once they smoke then they think they are better then you. Remember before Ohio came in and said you all suck and can't smoke in public places? Remember when you could light up in a restaurant? Remember when smoking and non-smoking sections were not blocked by walls and/or separate ventilation? Dennys is a prime example. I don't understand some of you asshats. I never wanted to smoke before or while I was eating. Some of you smokers feel the need to eat with a cig in your hand. I ASKED one person very polite if he minded putting out his cig while I ate. He was sitting next to me in the smoking section EATING while smoking. Damn it was like I scuffed his new par of Pumas. He threw a fit like a girl PMS'ing. "Oh its a free country I can do whatever I want. etc etc." I pulled out my Djarum clove cigs. I said "look friend I smoke as well but I like to eat without smoke in my face. Can you just put it out for 5 minutes while I eat my breakfast? I will even give you 3 of my cigs right now if you put yours out." OH MY GOD I think a vein in his head exploded after I said that. Smokers like that are asshats pure and simple. I have rights just as much as you do. If you are upset don't take it out on other people.
  3. I feel the need to buy more ammo after reading this. I deserve it!
  4. If you buy a new hard drive it comes with a transfer cable. Only problem is you can use it once...
  5. 87GT

    Women Drivers...

    Could you please be more sexist?
  6. England. I troll everywhere. I have a taco bell cup next to me atm...
  7. I think you are high. This is a good deal. Good luck with the sale. If you want to part out I might pick up a few of those games. Just let me know.
  8. +100 I once drove up next to an asshat that did this after he got off the highway. He had his window open. I tossed my almost full taco bell cup in his car and drove away. It was a wonderful day after that.
  9. This thread keeps giving me more proof that tobacco smokers are assholes to everyone for the wrong reasons.
  10. Maybe you are driving in the wrong lane if you are being tailgated. This is not a valid excuse.
  11. 87GT

    Women Drivers...

    This is mostly true. I have read before that women have less depth perception then men do. This is no excuse to drive under the speed limit in the left most lane.
  12. 87GT


  13. 87GT

    Women Drivers...

    I've been in 2 accidents and a female was at fault. I have caused 1 accident. Thus I can drive better then a female.
  14. Why mess up the car driving behind you with a lit cig when you can put it in the ash tray?
  15. Your ash tray belongs are supposed to go into a trash can when full. When I smoked that is what I did. And if you can't afford an ash tray for your car then how the hell did you afford the car?
  16. I broke the law by littering and I am going to cry about it. WAAAAAAAAAAA Pay your fine and stop littering. http://www.halesowennews.co.uk/news/worcestershire/4157567.Woman_treated_like____class_one_criminal____over_cigarette_end/
  17. I have a t-shirt that says "Guns don't kill people. Kids who play video games kill people." I wear it all the time.
  18. Shooting clays pigeons with a shotgun gets boring. Sometimes you know when I get a bonus from work, I break out my bazooka. It makes me feel better hitting clays with missiles.
  19. Yes that is how I interpreted it.
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