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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. Noooooo go with the .357 magnum! I love my glock but I shoot SO much better with S&W .357
  2. 87GT

    apartment questions

    You have better insurance then I do and I work for an insurance company. What happens after you shell out the 1 grand in a year? Does the insurance company split the bill 80/20% ? That is what happens with me. Paying 20% adds up real quick. I made so many medical payments last year I got a good tax deduction on them.
  3. I sometimes search for scat porn to show the wife. It gives her a good laugh!
  4. 87GT

    apartment questions

    Females cost more to maintain then males. I know first hand that women go to the doctor much more per year then males. You have extra cash set aside for medical bills?
  5. Yep i've done it before its the only way.
  6. 87GT

    apartment questions

    That sounds reasonable for 1 person. If you want to include the GF you should double the amount. Shit will happen trust me. I would say if you want to do it with only 2K a month then you better have at least $6000 in the savings account before you move out. Yes that sounds very difficult but look at it this way, it gets much harder to save money when you live on your own, and if you get laid off you will be able to pay bills for 3 months.
  7. Your occupation says you are an "IT GUY". Shouldn't you know how to fix this? Oh snap!
  8. 87GT

    apartment questions

    It all depends on the window unit. This one came with the apartment and it was built into the wall not a window. It was much older and used more electricity then newer window units use. My best advise to you is to save up a lot of money and throw it into the savings account. It is not a question of IF but of WHEN something will come up unexpected.... like the winter right after hurricane katria hit. I was in arbua for 2 weeks straight in December and I set my furnace to the lowest setting which was 55F. My gas bill for December was $400 no joke!
  9. 87GT

    apartment questions

    I was including only road runner for internet, no cable tv service. It all depends on the apartment and how well it is insulated. My flat had no central A/C and it was on the top floor. Summer was hotter then hell. I could turn on a window A/C unit for cooling one room but this jacked up my electric bill an extra 150-200$ a month!
  10. Reinstalling windows might fix it. This will delete all data so backup important files before you do anything.
  11. I don't have this problem. If you can't save your settings you may have cookies turned off in your web browser.
  12. 87GT

    apartment questions

    When I lived on campus in a 2br flat apartment all utilities (minus water) were about 300$ a month. Now in my house I have with shitty windows and insulation my gas bill runs around $200 a month during the winter.
  13. Uninstall every program you don't use. Go into control panel and click on add/remove programs. Remove it all if it is not used anymore.
  14. Yes trowa was a felony in high school as well. Tsk tsk...
  15. I feel like getting fish and chips for dinner.
  16. I just had to get PBR in the picture. It seems fitting no?
  17. Good to know. I like to get some lube oil on the metal outside where I touch the gun. I've heard it helps with finger prints and slows down rust.
  18. This is pretty interesting. I wonder if others will do something similar?
  19. Drink more beer before bed. You won't remember the dreams. Problem solved.
  20. 87GT


    I wonder if his plumbing skills are just as bad?
  21. These were people that carried so much cash that their money clip was a rubber band. I don't think they had the internetz.
  22. You ever see the ending to the movie scarface?
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