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Posts posted by Stimmel1647545512

  1. welcome my cousins friend, all these people will hate because they have no lives besides cr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    yeah I said it




    hate on the grammar DOIT!1!



    no such thing as a grammar mistake when talkin booooost



  2. is it just me or what it do out there in the world my dude bluemach (a fellow associate @ andrew andrew and associates) have been getting down on thoughts and thinkin is it only just us or is the struggle hittin everyone else hard on the real? like really and to top it all off apppppparenly there is a rapist in linclon park snatchin up on your poeple?
  3. I have a 1976 stingray 350 factory 4 speed car the car has sat for a year or so but was fine when it was parked started it up put in in gear or at least tried to and nothing happened would not ogo into gear at all but it goes into all the gears fine when the car is off it also rolls around fine if you push it


    any ideas?



    also does anyone know of a company out there that sells a 5 or 6 speed swap kit for the car its got a stock 70s 350 in it.




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