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Everything posted by 990mike

  1. thanks to those that came out an supported us!
  2. you can go as fast as you can you will like this track
  3. can i get your number so we can talk thanks 990mike
  4. i will take it call me at 614-808-5867 mike
  5. http://ohiodragracers.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=grudgevids&thread=1258&page=1
  6. we are talking about saturday night up there after there race
  7. see you all there !:bangbang:
  8. im looking for a sbc msd distributor that pluges up to the msd box plazzz let me know if you got one thanks 990mike __________________
  9. http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t287/990mike/msddistributor.jpg
  10. MSD distributor for sale MSD Ignition #121-8489 $100.00 http://www.jegs.com/i/MSD+Ignition/121/8489/10002/-1 call 614-808-5867 mike __________________
  11. This is FOX news re 80 miles north of Tucson. They have closed the entire area to Americans because of the violent mexicans who have taken over the area. It takes a moment to load. http://video.foxnews.com/v/4240637/giving-part-of-us-to-mexico?playlist_id=86856
  12. would you do 450.00 cash ive got it and will get it asap if you would do that call me at 614-808-5867 = 990mike
  13. ok i will call them and talk to them asap
  14. i can get you one call me 614-808-5867
  15. so who all is comming up to MCIR to do some racing with all of us
  16. its a go for tonight hop to see you all there
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