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Everything posted by 990mike

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=SDbQ5xvsrIU
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=SDbQ5xvsrIU
  3. you know it lol i was told that a bunch of cars was comming
  4. next race june 11th hop to see you there
  5. big thanks for making this plazzz keep doing them if you would get with me at the track this fri night lets talk
  6. well boys ive bin talking with the man about getting a bunch of the good stuff im trying to get more for the next race i just hop you like this stuff
  7. can you let me know were you get them i need to get some made for my site
  8. are you putting the pinks all out man on it lol
  9. on the top of the bottle it will give you a date
  10. florjacks let me know not the junk ones a good one need one for win i go racing
  11. Columbus Body & Paint get with them thy do good work you can get with them on ohiodragvracers.net tell them 990mike told you to call 614-556-6656 there yong boys and do kick ass work
  12. NWS http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ecb_1202834438 club remix of Enter Sandman figure I'd share with you all i hop you like it
  13. cool pinks all out man lol thanks keep telling them thanks
  14. 990mike


    well how do i get with you
  15. well wayne and i do the best we can thanks
  16. no it was crawford lmfao
  17. i would like to say thanks for comming out hop you all had a good time up at MCIR last night thanks agin 990mike it was fun and good seeing you all agin and i think some one got pics of the pinks all pout man flaging last night and i tryed to get speedy to race but you know i know hes fast as hell lol :bangbang:
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