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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. That would be miller. Sweat ass car isn't it. See me and him were both spinning like crazy. I finally hooked and hit second. I would say that I had him by 2-3 cars at the most. I cannot judge distance so I am guessing! I would like to see how we could do if we are both not spinning!
  2. http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w272/terrifany/pulse.gif
  3. Yeah that guy swears up and down that it is a 12 sec car. He said he wants to run on slicks and only for titles! His car would not even make it to the 60". I have determined that he has a bad plug or an extreme exhaust leak! He even has the hinges on the side of his hood thinking it is sweet. JOKE!! Next week I will get him to run somehow someway if he ever shows up again!
  4. After you race ryan go on ahead and give me a dig? Shanton where you at? Me and you have a race that never happened!
  5. You still in town or did you head back already?
  6. The funny part was when they seen the cop drive by they scattered quickly. Making us look very suspect! I wanted to get another run in!
  7. Reed where they are talking about was not where we were! Total diff place and environ... Me and a select person have raced there a few times.
  8. Will this thread be 3000+ or will it be civil? hmmmmm.........
  9. So they finally got it through huh! Your house next week
  10. Hey man nice runs. One sick looking 5.0!
  11. Michigan lost because they do not have enough speed in there secondary. They are suspect to speed! Good cover skills no speed! They are still a solid team. They just under-estimated App State. App State reminds me of WV for some reason. Now Ohio State I was not impressed with there game. They have alot of work to do. If they do not get more sound on defense and get that huge OL going they will see 3 maybe 4 consecutive losses starting with Michigan State. They will need Ray small for that deep threat! The guy who beat ted guinn in a foot race!!
  12. Tonight was not a total loss. I actually got a dig race in. Thanks to Sam for showing the way. It was supposed to be me, miller, whoever owns the blue srt-4, and a integra. Ended up being I say 20 cars!
  13. App state was not by the least a bad team. Therefore I laugh even more
  14. Yeah I heard they are giving away a free wideband!! :nod:
  15. You know you laughed at him at one point in his career. He is stupid and not funny but he be doing some dumb ass shit!!
  16. If you are gonna say it is for charity then be truthful! Don't be like the rest of the douche's out there! I am waiting to see what other football players are going down next. he was not the only one involved in the NFL.
  17. might as well. Alot of people are making money off the retard! You could also pretend to give it to charity!
  18. People who fight dogs are retarded and should be locked up. I would not try to beat the shit out of them unless they are held down at gun point. You talking about some real killas here. Alot of you do not know that some murders that go down in Columbus start from dog fights. More serious to them then what you think. They need to do something to stop it though!
  19. Something i would have done is not quit playin basketball/football in Highschool and lost my scholarships! (Michigan State-BB, Illinois-FB. FTW)
  20. You see the event coming up in Sept. Sign up!
  21. I have not been there in awhile. How is mike these days
  22. Deja vu. I am glad you are ok man. I totaled mine when my car did the exact thing. Go to the doctor. You will have issues down the road if you do not. I thought I was fine and come to find out I was not. Breaking the seat can cause damage that if ignored can cause big problems down the road!
  23. Hell to da yea. I get to watch the games after all. I like insight.. Shitty service but at least they do something right!
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