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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. I would never let them install anything for me. I have seen them butcher a impala before. I have re-done somethings they have done plenty of times. Like I had them cut a subwoofer hole for me. I looked told them to keep it and went to Sound Investment!
  2. So what time do I put fot the gates being open?
  3. If they were really serious they would come to the Northeast side of town. Dogfights happen every night. Stakes are $2000 a fight at the least! Plus there are alot of professionals that are knee deep in this also. I know of a couple who are involved but by now they probably have pulled out!
  4. I would guarantee that they pocket the money. There are over 30 people trying to make money. Greed is the american way! Mike Vick is retarded but to try and get paid off of his dumb ass is by far wrong.
  5. Has anybody been on ebay lately? Have you seen the chew'd up cards by dogs that are being sold for some nice change? One lady sold one for $7,400 dollars. Now the entire world is trying to get some money off another mans mistake! http://cgi.ebay.com/CHEWED-UP-FALCON-MICHAEL-VICK-CARDS-FOR-SUPPORT-OF-DOGS_W0QQitemZ200146086045QQihZ010QQcategoryZ25187QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. Big Steve

    slo 5.0

    Phil, whats crackin it is about time! You lost to a S2k? I wanna 40 roll!
  7. http://www.ls1gto.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3062596#post3062596 http://buckeyegoats.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2382
  8. Nice car and welcome. What times are you runnin?
  9. Big Steve

    Call Out V2

    That is fine as long as he gives me a roll of choice!
  10. Is the game gonna be available on Dish Network?
  11. Big Steve

    Call Out V2

    No problem. I wanna see how I fair against the infamous vette anyways. 20-140. If I cannot stay within 5 cars I will buy you a beer!
  12. Big Steve

    Call Out V2

    My best time was 13.6 My car is runnin alot better and I will be on better meat to.
  13. Would be nice to see you and sam line up. Also, you and ray!! You and ray doing wheel stands!
  14. Big Steve

    im new

    Box on wheels, looks like a space-aged microwave :nod: nice fox though
  15. Big Steve

    Call Out V2

    So you wanna beat up on a slow LS1
  16. Big Steve

    Call Out V2

    Hey you got your 40-140. I like those 20's. I would not mind doing a 20-140. Someone give me a 70-160.
  17. Big Steve

    Car Show

    photobucket is the best way.http%20yada%20yada. FNG I do believe you cannot change ur avatar!
  18. So I hear MR. LS-what has been seen in some GM cars alot lately!!
  19. Oh damn. Remind me never to tell you anything!
  20. Big Steve

    New old guy

    Welcome to the herd!
  21. Big Steve

    Call Out V2

    Better meat will do the trick for spinning!
  22. Big Steve

    Call Out V2

    We went from 20? fuckin awd. Oh and it was 110-115 when you seen the blue streak come by. Let's do a roll from 70 or 80! I was spinning like hell for about 5 secs on that dig. What was up with you just taking off without honking it off?
  23. Big Steve

    Call Out V2

    LS1 :nod: You took off and still got walked. Oh shit son, you got walked. 60 roll = LS1, 50 roll = LS1 40 roll = AWD but you still got walked. now 20 roll SRT-4 vs. LS1. Even got a dig off! Had fun guys. Auto's can move. Sorry I pulled a anthony was not paying attention!
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