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Everything posted by Duff1647545513

  1. Just a heads up. Battlefield 4 is available in the PS store for $12 until tomorrow and $30 for the edition that includes all the map packs
  2. There are online game modes in AW that turn off the use of the exoskeletons for everyone.
  3. I'm basically unstoppable with Yoshi.
  4. I've been watching through the Ustream app. It's been working great so far for the Rose Bowl
  5. Braxton Miller interested in transferring to Duke
  6. If Illinois hadn't refumbled the ball they recovered from LA Tech around the 7 minutes remaining mark, it could've,maybe, been a much different game.
  7. Get $40 bluray player, keep roku.
  8. I feel bad for whoever has to swap your furnace out next. That gray sealant shit can suck to deal with
  9. If you want the BEST filter system....... I could install one for around $1,000, but I suggest you just use the 5" filter
  10. If you plan on selling it, ask them to back the refrigerant into the outdoor condenser and then tape or cap off the copper where they cut it so no dirt or anything gets in it. That way there is refrigerant in it for whoever buys it and they don't have to add much for it to work properly
  11. Is the refrigerant backed into the outdoor unit?
  12. Honestly, you probably wouldn't get anywhere near $1,500 for used Weather King equipment
  13. Don't pull the stripes, I can do it when I buy it.
  14. I read somewhere that he had some company come in to make that video. It looks like a middle schooler made it. I'm surprised it wasn't full of star wipes for transitions
  15. I'm not telling how soon I'll be able to buy it. Don't need you assholes snatching it out of my hands
  16. You're such a sweetheart. Shit, I bumped again. This car is killing me, I have to pay something off before I can buy it
  17. Stop bumping it. I won't have the money to buy it for a few months
  18. Yes, Les is an idiot. The shit he says sometimes is ridiculous
  19. I don't see Jim Harbaugh going to Michigan at all, San Fran still owns him for another year, I believe, and I doubt he'll want to break that contract. On the 49ers side of it, if they want him gone, they'd be best off to trade him to another team to get at least something back rather than just break the contract and pay him
  20. Not looking for any trades, sorry. Waiting to hear back from someone on here
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