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Everything posted by Duff1647545513

  1. Had to go post about it on Facebook first. Priorities bruh
  2. Black ops 1 was a miss for me. I liked the second kinda. Maybe I'm just getting tired of CoD
  3. I want another World at War call of duty
  4. Wi-Fi thermostats are pretty nice to have and for $80 it's definitely worth trying.
  5. I have a buddy that does them. Not sure how far out he goes, but maybe wouldn't hurt to try him and get a quote. His name is Cory, 740-837-0483, tell him Jason Duffey sent you. Also a link to his company Facebook page with some pictures of his work: https://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/profile.php?id=283305365096735 Ignore the chick that gave the one star, that's his psycho ex
  6. Lol the spaceship and smoke behind the rear tires And is that "much draft" on the rear driver side bumper?
  7. '94ish grand Cherokee limited or first gen Durango for that price range. Durango gas mileage is horrible though
  8. Pretty mad about it, I thought it was 55 where I was, so I maintained that speed when I saw the cop and slowed when I got to the 35 sign. I thought Iwas just getting hell for my window tint. Took my gun money. Had a good time at the track though, even just spectating, got to see a few people I hadn't in awhile. Thanks guys
  9. 55 in a 35 @ $156 Less than 2 miles from the damn track
  10. Heading that way from London around noon
  11. I too will have to check, might have traded it in though
  12. First that comes to mind is Metallica, but there is a long list
  13. Yeah, Coughlin is crooked as shit. There has always been a running joke around London about taking your car there for something as simple as an oil change and them fucking up your car so bad you'll need to buy a new one. They try to convince people that take cars in for service to spend thousands more on other shit the car doesn't even need done. His son would always, and I assume still does, take nice cars off the lot and beat the shit out of them for a week or two, then they'd be back on the lot to sell. And I absolutely hate Tom Coughlin, he's one of the people that immediately throw out the, "do you have any idea who I am?" phrase as soon as he is disagreed with. There are also several other reasons I can't stand their family that I shouldn't go on about here. Just growing up around them and the local stories make the family very easy to hate
  14. I can barely see the pictures, any way you could make them bigger?
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