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Everything posted by Duff1647545513

  1. I'm probably one of the greatest actors to ever walk the earth
  2. Holy shit we're running out of oranges. I must buy this. Does anyone else have some oranges? I'm willing to pay $200 each
  3. I'ma go dig out my eyes with a cattle prod now
  4. You didn't miss anything last year.
  5. The 2007 Cruisefest Nationals was just announced to take place May 11,12 and 13(mothers day weekend). It's going to be in Columbus this year which is cool as hell because last year I drove to KY for the damn thing and it wasn't nearly as good as the previous year. They're holding it at some place called Frontier Ranch. I'm not sure where or what that place is though. Does anyone else go to the Cuisefests? I like them. Cars, beer and topless girls everywhere, can't beat that.
  6. hah, could that person make a drunken bet sick?
  7. http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m165/Jduffey/zswitchcyanide0ef.jpg
  8. Can you get any pictures of everything and know how much he used it?
  9. I planned on payin around $300. I'll take that one for $325 if he still has it. I get paid the 22nd and will have the money then.
  10. Looking for an Xbox 360, doesn't matter if it is the basic one or the one with the bigger hard drive. Is anyone trying to get rid of theirs or know somebody trying to?
  11. I have a friend that's really big into Gears on Xbox Live. He's like number 18 in the world right now. Played it at his place a little bit, but got my ass kicked.
  12. Now that I think about it, I think I ate at the one in Hilliard a long time ago once. Don't remember how the food was, but I'm not too big into the whole deli style resturants.
  13. His hooker was a transvestite
  14. What was the price tag on one? I didnt really look to hard
  15. Never heard of Schlotzky's.......where is one and what kinda food do they serve?
  16. just passed it last night. it's nice
  17. has bigger hubcaps than mine on a yukon with 2-tone paint
  18. Let me know how that goes, i'm lookin to get my GTP's engine rebuilt or get a swap. How much are they charging for the rebuild?
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