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Everything posted by Trjackson

  1. Zavier, If you watch the other vid It says you ported the motor, when it was a streetport. Watch the 440hp fc build up vid, it is still on page one. However, he knows have a half-bridge, he ported and built it himself. To be honest, Sobas, build everything little thing on that car, just had Defined Autoworks tune it. Jason and Zay, I got all the love in the world for you guys, when I needed my car back asap earlier this year, who got it running for me, you guys did. Did you see Jake beating that R6 in the vid? Jakes cars runs healthy as well. Now, he is kinda pissed that Sobas beat him, so he is tuning for 22lbs or so with you guys next month. Ty
  2. It ended becuase I thought that was the Climax of the film. It was actually closer than a fender as well, it was more like a headlight assembly. They ran them up until 140. Ty
  3. Brian, yeah my photography was not up to par. It was a challenge holding the camera, bus's car was simply throwing me around like a little bitch. Then with ron's car I was zoomed in too much, Ron was actually about 3 cars behind us, and I had the camera out the window! Jason, please enlighten me about this nut-swinging you speak of. Ty
  4. This FC put a hurting on almost everybody he encountered! BTW, this is LIMITEDSLIP7's car. Ty
  5. Trjackson

    Amy + WRX =

    Happy b-day amy, gimme a call, I got something for ya! Ty
  6. by some chane did you buy that car off of Brian mead? He had a the same car, with all the mods, then he traded it for a ls1 car! His screen name on here is initzero! Ty
  7. http://www.rx7club.com Read and read some more! Ty
  8. Learn this phrase and live by it! Defined Autoworks FTW! Ty
  9. Joe, piss on a GT45R, Let's go straight to the GT55R! Haha. Ty
  10. They will be tuning my project! Ty
  11. Thanks Shannon, your brothers car is simply awesome. He told me that you and him are going to race. I must get footage for video number 2. Ty
  12. I agree, when he raced the cobra at the begining of the vid, he had a twin disc clutch with a really super short throw, hence all of the missed gears. Now in the flyby pass towards the end, that was peter of Defined Autoworks driving his car. Ty
  13. This is my first vid, I have every done, period. I have taken vids, but that is all. I thru this together in about 8 hours. Let me know what you think! Ty
  14. May I ask what it is you do for a living? I am sure when you were 25, you were much better off than me, HAHA. Ty
  15. Why are they building that kind of structure in a residential area, assuming you live in a residential zoned area? Ty
  16. I call dibs on Pacino as ME! The quiet kid in the corner, that is a ginuine smart-ass, that knows it all! HAHA. Ty
  17. Buy a 69 Datsun pick-up truck and put a SR20 in it! Thats whats up! Congrats on your new purchase, good luck with your project! Ty
  18. So now your rearend will be bulletproof? Ty
  19. Trjackson


    Movie is awesome, great story line, lots of action, and a nice build-up of the charcters. There were some dull parts, but it was just there to tie the movie together. I give it 4 of 5. Ty
  20. Nick, I understand what you were trying to convey then and now. The fact is, Jacobs car has already more than enough power to go deep into the 12's. You were simply stating that another forum member(karl) has gone 12's with twins, we know this. Thanks. That was the point you missed, his car should run 12.5's all day long. Sorry you missed what was going on, and for the miscomunication. Ty
  21. I can confirm everything above. There is much miscomunication between everybody and SPLN SUX. The point of the statement was Twisted says he can make more power on 14+lbs. Then Spln comes in and say yada yada yada you can go 12's on stock twins. For your information, you can go 12's all day long with minor bolt-ons. I have 3 13.00x passes @ 109.xx mph. My mods then only included an intake, full exhaust, clutch/flywheel, and PowerFC. Boost was at 12 lbs. Never had it on a dyno, but if I had to guess I think it would have made somewhere in the neighborhood of 240whp. Ohh, the point of my timeslips was that I was/and still am on shitty wal-mart all seasons. I am a shitty driver and was pulling 2.2-2.5 short times. Point of my post, SPLN SUX, don't argue with rotary gurus. Period, they know more about what the car is capable of than you do. And don't say well so and so said this. That is what we on the internet, and in the game at life call GOSSIP. Ty
  22. How does one newb realize that he is no longer a newb. I consider myself a newb. However, this is my third screen name, and I have been on this screen name around a year. I just don't post much! Ty
  23. M.A.S.K. I thought I was the only person in the entire world that knew about that show. I ask all of my peers and NOBODY remembers, not even my parents. HAHA. Regardless, does anybody know a website that you can watch the old episodes? Ty
  24. I have always heard the same thing. Not that I want to detour off-topic. The very last thing a person who has committed suiside has commited a sin, therefore he didn't have time to repent(spelling), not to mention it is pre-meditated. Being that premeditation is the only difference between that scenario and this one, what is the difference? A guy walking down the street drop a twenty dollar bill, and keeps walking. Then after watching the guy drop his dollar, I walk up there and pick it up, stick it in my pocket, and say"god damnit, that guy is a dumb fucker". Then I get hit by a semi. I die. I just commited multiple sins, do I get accepted into heaven? Nevertheless, I have had many friends die, I am sorry to hear about your loss. Best of luck to you, and his family. Ty
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