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Everything posted by Trjackson

  1. A few friends and I pulled up, parked off to the side, went in and ate, then left. It was rather gay and bland. Oh well. Jackson
  2. Are you dumb or slow, well no JP let me rephrase that. Whomever you have seen that has a rotary power street car must be dumb or slow. There is a few in central ohio, that run pretty damn good. Is trapping 125, running better than worth a fuck? Jackson
  3. No sir, still stock cassette twins. I made 321 to the wheels on the dyno. Jackson
  4. There is another alternative to you gear ratio. They sell ring and pinion gears. I do beleive 3.73 is one of them. Just do some research on rx7club.com. Jackson
  5. FUCK, back to the drawing board. I just read linn's post. It took me like 14 try's to beat him. With a wapping 1297. Looks like I know what I am doing for the next 2 hours. Jackson
  6. Unless you plan on swapping the motor in a 2nd gen, just buy a first gen for the 6 bolt motor. Also, I think you want to get a 92 and up first gen, for the SLIGHTLY better transmission. That is just if my memory serves me correctly, if I am wrong I am sure someone will chime in and correct me. Honestly, you should shot JP(coltboostin) and PM. He will let you know everything to look for. And give you tips. Jackson
  7. Brandon, is this your personal car, or IPS's shop car? Jackson
  8. Welcome to the site. Nice car. You said go fast parts come first. I agree. Is there anything done to the ls1? H/C package? Jackson
  9. Thorne thanks, When I was 15-18 I was incrediably fit. I remember when I was 18 I was 6'4" and I weighed 230lbs. I could bench press 385, I could dunk a basketball. I could do a lot of things I can't do now. I ate like a horse, however do to my extremly busy schedule I kept the weight off. I would wake up in the morning and go to basketball practice before school. I would lift during school, went to bball practice after school. Then I would go to the ymca, lift again and play about 3-5 hours of pick-up bball. Then I got a job, and became lazy. My eating habbit didn't change. I would step on the scale and a I saw I was gaining weight and I just didn't care. Next thing I know, 1.5 years latter I weighed over 350. Earler last year(06) I stepped on the scales and it said 391. I imediatly got on a diet, I ate nothing but healthy choice meals. I had 3 meals a day, and as I snack I would eat a can of tuna or a can of fruit. I did this for about 2.5 months and got down to 33x. I stopped my diet because I got lazy again. I didn't want to pack my lunch for work. It was just so much more convienant to go thru fast food for lunch and then for dinner grab something out of the vending machines. I stepped on the scales again today. It said 359. So I am going to go to the store this weekend, and start up my healthy choice diet again. Wish me luck. Jackson
  10. Thorne, if you don't want to post it, you may pm me. What is your excersize routine and what is your diet? Any medication? Jackson
  11. so tell me, it make 1100 bhp, on a 387, on 91 pump gas?????? HMMM seems a little strange to me. It also only weight 422 lbs huh? Jackson
  12. Here is a vid of my car on the dyno, I am the second FD to dyno(i.e. around the 3 minute mark. Jackson
  13. Trjackson


    6 Jager-bombs/17 miller lites, that makes for an awesome night of editing some vids! HAHA. Jackson
  14. What a hell of a nice guy, you should have baught him a beer! Maybe even a light/lite beer, since he is obviously trying to slim down. Jackson
  15. Hell yeah, nice going JP. I am sure that you will have this thing dialed in quick. Just out of curiousity, when you built your colt, how long did it take you to get into the 10's? Jackson
  16. Hell yeah, congrats to trent. Nice car and it is stunning to see somebody you know of in a magazine. That is a hott evo too. Jackson
  17. Jake, Thanks, btw, did your troubles go away from the 777 meet? Pm me, if you would like. Jackson
  18. Why is this in the kitchen? Read here! Jackson
  19. From what I have read, most people go with the 205's, I know nothing about the 210's. I know unless you are going power adder don't go with the 225's, they allow no low end. Jackson
  20. Max, aparently he is. Obviously he only knows about the "rumor" of the replace engine light. Rotaries are no where near as bad as what the ignorant make them out to be. It is all about the upkeep on the car, change the oil when you should and run good gas. When it comes to modding, do the reliablity mods first, such as radiator, downpipe, and some sort of fuel cut defenser or stand alone. What a Jackass. Nitrousbird, does your LT-1 even run? Jackson
  21. Steetable, that is rather subjective. I consider just about anything that is "legal appearing" steetable. You know, has all working lights, and is on DOT aproved tires. However, if you want to get nitty gritty about it, you can. You can argue this point from any which way, from my perspective or if it just has a CAI it is not steetable. My .02 Jackson
  22. Tony, thanks. Sorry guys, I am using a Apexi Power FC. There is still lots of room to grow. I am running a 11.0:1 AFR. Jackson
  23. I am learning about this stuff right now. It is rather interesting. How they tune it, not there yet. I know about two different "style" though. Obviously the common one being the "turbo hat" way. That is when the forced induction system work the same as it does on an injected car. It goes through the piping through a "turbo hat" that sits ontop of the carb, and the air is forced through the carb mixing with fuel and goes into the plenum. The other is a "blow thru" carb. Atmospheric air comes into a "dummy intake manifold" goes thru a carb, then fuel and air mix and go thru a charge pipe that then leads to the turbo. Then, the turbo compresses air and fuel together then goes into another intake manifold. I just learned this today, I may be wrong, but that is how I understand it. Jackson
  24. Joe, no I am not going up 2 16 lbs. I normally run 13.5, however my boost controller took a shit on me. As of right now, I am just driving the car, saving for a business project, then going all out on my FD. Zayvier, it was your wrench time that got my car where it is. Had you not put it back together for me earlier this year, I still wouldn't be driving it. Jackson
  25. Tony, my bad. I saw it on 7club. Will change now. Jackson
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