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Posts posted by Trjackson

  1. Andy, I guess it is just all the shit I hear about good ol' "MOMS" used car lot. I know you know what I am talking about. Nevertheless, if you have had the car for 2 years, and lets say you only owe another year on it, and you are late one day with "MOMS". They will repo the car, they tell you, just come up to the shop and fill out some paperwork and get your payments current, and you may have your car back. WRONG. They will only let you have your car back, if you agree to start over from the begining.



  2. I have never bought off of a used car dealership. Actually, I have never bought off of any dealership. Nevertheless, I have been in many dealerships, and have jewed them down for weeks. I beleive in, screw them over as much, or if not more than they would screw you over. I would never buy off of a "buy here, pay here" lot. However, a used car dealership in general, I would.



  3. Buckeye collision here in Marion, Ohio. No, I am not having the Scoot Carbon fiber hood painted.


    Thanks again guys for all the comments. It should be done before April 1st. I highly doubt I will be attending the meet. I may in my daily though.



  4. Toyota saphire pearl.


    sorry for the shitty camera phone pics. I will update once car is complete. The car has a scoot carbon fiber hood and feed front bumper now.







  5. Talk to Greg his name is Cinergi on the board. He'll school you on every firearm known to man, I feel stupid when he talks about firearms.



    Thanks, I am looking to buy my first gun(I have owned one prior, but was given to me on my 21st Bday). I will stop in shortly and ask for him specifically.



  6. Sweet, then it can be slow and loud! Build something else before wasting another dime of your money on that thing. You'll hate yourself less in the long run.


    Quoted for the truth! Word!



  7. IMHO, mitsubishi is going way downhill with the lancer/evo product. I mean, the evo 8 was sexy, the 9 was a little different for my taste, but I still liked it. The X is fucking hideous, and this creation is far worse than the X. Jesus, do they have 8 year old kids playing with matchbox cars working on the design concepts?



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