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Everything posted by silverhatch

  1. Massage is helpful if you can afford it
  2. Very nice 300. I've always loved them. Welcome.
  3. I don't think of this as a lottery for myself. I'm in a bad situation medically and think it's negligence of a doctor. I thought I might see a lawyer to see what they say.
  4. I've been contemplating contacting a malpractice lawyer regarding my current medical problems, any good lawyer recommendations? I figure a consultation would be a good idea at this point.
  5. We send all our samples to Staveley Services on Euclid Ave. in Cleveland.
  6. I got to test out our A4 for the first time. I had no problems at all, which I was quite impressed. I even have summer tires on.
  7. He didn't look that bad when I met him in August.
  8. It's been there 5 years so it's very seasoned. The top of the stack might not be any good but there should be some good stuff left. It's a large stack, my guess would be 3-4 truckloads. I haven't checked it out lately though. I guess $40.00 if you load it. You can take as much as you want from the stack as we already have some split we are using. We live in Knox County about 3 miles northeast of the Licking County line.
  9. We have a ton of firewood from when we cleared our land 5 years ago so it's well seasoned. It's cut but not split. Also, the department of natural resources used our land as a test for Emerald Ash Bores and we're clean. Our county doesn't have the ban on moving firewood as far as I know. Let me know if you're interested.
  10. I know that channel 27 is still there but they changed the name and the format is different somewhat also from what he tells me. He hates the name Liquid Metal.
  11. He still has the CRX that he is doing bodywork on but we also just bought a 99 SI. I'm not sure which one may end up with a transplant yet but one of them will probably. His setup was basically fine just needs a new home. The cash is kinda tight right now but should be better if I ever get back to work. Thanks everyone for the good wishes.
  12. Congrats on the addition Matt. Sorry you gotta sell your stuff. Good luck with everything.
  13. Yeah I need a good distraction from sitting around so Mafia Wars it is. I still drool over Sti's when I see them if that counts.
  14. Not in any way due to wrecking the Sti. I was diagnosed with this a few months before the accident. This has just been a BAD year for me. Thanks for the good wishes.
  15. For those of you who know me and wished me well before my surgery, I'm doing ok. I had my brain surgery on Sept. 10th. It went well but right now I'm having spinal fluid leakage and it looks like a softball on the back of my head. I will be taking it easy and waiting for it to hopefully heal. I don't want another surgery to correct it, but it may come down to that. Anyways, THANKS EVERYONE for all the well wishes.
  16. +1 Sirius got rid of my hubby's favorite channel Hard Attack and he bitches non-stop about it. Bubba FTW. I hope they sign him on for another year. He's awesome. I got to meet him in person and he's a real down to earth guy. Brent is fucking cool too.
  17. There are currently 3 employees at my job we hired straight out of Northwestern as diesel mechanics. A friend of mine goes to Northwestern currently in the automotive class. I'm sure he would be glad to talk to you and answer questions. Let me know.
  18. My little girl is very petite so hopefully yours will be too. Good luck!!
  19. If you're son is anything like mine he's been growing by leaps and bounds lately. My daugher on the other hand is very petite. Pretty soon they will be wearing the same size.
  20. I got this e-mail and wanted to pass along the info: We have 3 locations to better serve all Central Ohio moms: September 25-27 at the Hartford Fairgrounds October 3-4 at the Delaware County Fairgrounds October 10-11 at Vineyard Community Church in Reynoldsburg. Check http://www.threebagsfull.info for specific times at each location. Save money on maternity items, kids clothing, toys, books, shoes, boots, WINTER COATS and more! Consign at least 10 items and you get to shop before the generla public. Consigning is easy! Just visit http://www.threebagsfull.info for the details. See you at the sale! Don't forget the last day of each sale is "RED DOT DAY" with most items 50% off! Tell your friends! Print this email and bring it with you to receive $2 off a $20 purchase. Only one coupon per family per day. See you at the "moms helping moms" sale!! Mods- I hope this is okay to post. Tell your wife/girlfriend. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Thanks for looking. - Amanda
  21. We recently shipped a tranny in a Rubbermaid tub via UPS. It was kinda expensive since it went to BC, Canada but run about $170.00.
  22. He could use some of these probably.
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