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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. if you want a flat finnish that is cleared but still looks flat you need a matte finnish clear. it will be protected but still flat. but have fun keeping that shit clean its a bitch everything smudges on it but it will come off with a good wash.
  2. i have a couple of neat (probably not worth much) bills i have aquired the past couple of years. i have 2 silver sertified one dollar bills from 1957 and i have a five dollar bill from 1965 this is rare due to the fact that it was one of the only years the united states printed the lettering in red ink as apposed to green. thats about it though.
  3. http://www.failfunnies.com/18/images/drug-addict-fail.jpg this is when you need to worry. lol
  4. i prefer to be referred as a Player In a Management Profession.
  5. i smell baby momma drama
  6. Red Beard

    Summer Time!

    steak, bbq-ribs, and hobos, and for those who dont know what a hobo is, you take a hamberger patty (or you can use chunk steak/chicken, pork) and place it in a 12"x12" piece of aluminum foil, then place a thick slice of onion on top along with potatoes, carrots, sqash, pepers, or what ever veggies you like. sprinkle with some steak seasoning or just salt and pepper, and wrap it up in the foil like a little steam bag and let it cook. usually takes about 20-30 min depending on how hot your grill is and what rack you put it on (if you have a top rack). this is great on the camp fire too.
  7. i grew up with my dad always telling me if you can do it yourself then do it to save yourself money. we never had a lot of money when i was growing up (or now for that matter) so i was always fixing up our cars with my dad as well as my go-cart. then when i got my first car i had to do a lot of shit to it just to get it running. i also hung out with my cousin a lot (the late boost-n-juice Brian Carter.) we were always working on the mustang or the bronco or the boat. aways tinkering with something. then i started getting into body work in high school and went to the career center, got pretty good at it. landed a full tuition scholarship to Ohio technical and now graduated here i am with a deploma in auto body and refinishing with custom paint and graphics.
  8. what exactly are you looking for? economy? brand? 4cl 6cl?
  9. thats a pretty neat design. i wonder what kind of book comes with it as far as were you lift each individual vehicle as it looks like it could be off balanced rather easily.
  10. I'm up in Cleveland right now. Let me call my brother and see if he can come out and get them.
  11. ill give you $25 for the riding boots, i know its low but its about all i got right now and i need a new pair lol.
  12. +1 love them, especially if they have the old school adjustable rear bar site.
  13. well i can do air brush work, if you want anything custom painted, i can paint anything that the paint will stick to. i also have a bunch of paint ball shit i never use, 2 guns, bout 1000 rounds couple tanks. full size truck bed cap fiberglass with sliding windows. couple of motorcycle jackets and a helmet. the helmet is brand new never even out of the box, was gonna paint it but havent yet, its flat black with built in sunglasses. both jackets are padded, the one is a summer mesh jacket with a waterproof slip, the other is a honda racing jacket. both are 2-xl. i have a dean acoustic base guitar with a built in equilizer and a custom built hard body case. any of that sound interesting to ya?
  14. man id be all over this, but i cant afford it right now. are you looking to trade for anything?
  15. i aways wondered how softspots were found
  16. http://www.yimodels.com/wp-images/girlimages/brattybrittany03.jpg http://blog.loveminiskirts.com/updates/016/brook.jpg http://www.bikinihit.com/wp-content/themes/Adformat/images/0407.jpg http://www.swollenpickles.com/wp-content/uploads/upward_cameltoe.jpg **EDIT** LINK TO NWS: http://images.heaven666.org/p/1/sweet-camel-toe.jpg http://average-dudes.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/istock_000003494728xsmall.jpg http://www.bikinidream.net/gals/glam0035/02.jpg
  17. ill take all the truckin mags. find out how much to mail them and ill cover the cost
  18. well the weathers breaking, and i'd like to try and get anohter cruise together for a tribute to my cousin Brian Carter, and everyone else that we've lost this this past year. i would have liked to do it a little sooner but weather was less than permitting..... so anyway, i was thinking of a cuise on sunday afternoon or evening (weather permitting). i am completely open for ideas and such. so the floor is open to suggestions.
  19. i go places with people http://www.mjmturbos.com/images/GraveyardNew.gif
  20. i have a 1990 f150, its not pretty, and is rather warn out but it runs and is my daily driver, it runs very well, just looks bad, lmk.
  21. oh my bad, didnt know how these things worked.
  22. Edit: PM an admin to become a sponsor.
  23. Red Beard

    paint help?

    well aside from the move, i should be able to match the paint, i just need to get the old fender to try and match it. i can also do the marbling, i am trained and alll that jazz. send me a pm if you still need it done.
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