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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. http://samismom22.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/loads_of_worms.jpg worm food
  2. http://columbus.craigslist.org/lbg/1490833366.html
  3. that was epic!!!!!!!!!!!! i just fell out of my chair laughing hahahahahahahahaha
  4. dude if i had the money i would totaly jump on that. glws, if i come into some extra cash ill hit you up for sure.
  5. i have a 1983 comaro, it needs a little tlc but its 800 cash. it needs a shot of paint and the gearbox needs a bit of work, but the car is solid, pm me if your interested.
  6. i didnt even thing about jegs. any ideas on what starting pay is?
  7. if your just going to throw them away why not just give them away to ppl on here? i understand your trying to make your money back on them somewhat but why tell ppl your going to throw them away if they dont sell? thats just asking for some perv rooting through your trash.......... btw, when's your trash day:rolleyes: :whistle: :whistle:
  8. Hey guys, Im looking for just about any job right now. It needs to be $10 an hour at minimum. especially if Im driving to anything outside of Delaware. The closer to Delaware or Marysville the better. I am certified in all aspects of auto body and refinishing. I also have my fork lift operating license. I am a hard worker, and a fast learner. Just seeing what is out there. thanks.
  9. if these were ford i would scoop them right up. glws
  10. i hate to break it to ya christian, but it was not an extra terrestrial, or a 4g63, or even a plane hitting the sound barrier. it was the quarry off of south section line road dynamite blasting. lol they do the largest blasts from noon to 3pm through the week. ive lived with in 5 miles of that quarry for my entire life. they use to go around or give calls to the people who lived within a mile of them to warn them that the quarry was blasting today lol. there were some that shook our house so much that shit fell off the shelves (and remember i live 5 miles away). your not to far off from the same distance christian, you probably felt the same blast that i did lol.
  11. i do the same thing. personally though, i hate using public restrooms just for the thought of all the shit you could possibly catch from just sitting on the toity. that and im not pointing any fingers here but a lot of ppl seem to either miss or spatter a lot when pissing in a toilet. shit gets all over the seat and then i have to sit in it. its just nasty.
  12. http://www.asylum.com/2009/11/03/forklift-accident-alcohol-crash-moscow/?icid=main|aim|dl8|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.asylum.com%2F2009%2F11%2F03%2Fforklift-accident-alcohol-crash-moscow%2F
  13. did some one ask to see the http://www.facebook.com/profile/pic.php?uid=AAAAAQAQFEdIF2pEYanIvE9PcM_WXwAAAApFLm1QKorFOu3LZXDM3JMF lol great looking subi, this would be a fun car, glws.
  14. hahahahahahaha thats great!! i miss going down there lol. please let me know how this worked, and if it was all worth the time and effort for her in the long run, thanks.
  15. that screen name is just for here and these kind of forums. its for amusment pourposes. as far as it being a piss ass job i agree 100% there, it was just a hold me over job untill i could find something better. i have always given 110% when at work, i have never been one to stir up trouble where it didnt need to be. I was not looking to create drama, all i wanted was proof of me alegidly stealing what ever it was i was said to have stolen. the boss calling me on his personal cell phone, while im off the clock was very disrespectful to me and unprofessional ingeneral. thats all was try to get at. I really am not worried that i am no longer employed there, like it was said before a job like this is dime a dozen. i just cant afford to have a theft charge on my record, that would screw me over for life. especially when i am being accused of a crime i did not commit. if i had done something i wouldnt try to fight it, thats not who i am. if i do wrong and am caught i would fess up instead of trying to hide it.
  16. oh im not worried about the job, i just dont want to be wrongfully accused of something that i did not do.
  17. ^^^^^ ha ha ha thats a good one ^^^^^ anyway, i went to work to find out what was going on today. i get there and the other guy i work with (tom) said that tim and mark told him to tell me that i was not to clock in, that if i were to show up to work today that he should tell me that i was fired and to go home. so i went to speak with the boss. im not stupid but i want to hear it from their own mouth face to face, that i am fired. when i got to the main office none of the managers was there. so in stead of calling them i went to the police department to make a report of what was going on so they could guide me in the right direction. they ran my record which came back clean, then called tim to find out what was going on. the officer then came back and said he has filed a report and it was being investigated. so now i have to wait and find out what is going to happen next. im not a stupid person, i knew i was going to be fired, but i have never once met an employer that did not have the balls to either bring me into work, or say it to my face. Tim (my boss) is sending boys to do a mans job. It just seems a little fishy to me how i could be fired with out seeing the tape that suposidly has me "stealing". its just really unprofessional how he as a bussiness owner is going about terminating me. I just dont want to be set up for something that i did not do that is all.
  18. you dont even know me, and dont have a clue about the facts of the situation. dont assume about me when you have a biast opinion.
  19. i havent stolen a single thing from that place. according to what i could get from the boss, i put something into someones car then voided it off the register. ive never stolen in my life!!!! especially from my place of work!
  20. ok so i just started this job at delco drive through and ive been working there for about 2 months. yesterday i got a call from my boss bitching at me about me not caring about my job. which he heard from another girl that was completely obserd. i told him that it wasnt that i didnt care about my job, it was i didnt care weather i had a deposit key. long story short i had a deposit key waiting for me today when i got to work. so i was fine with that, i felt it was pretty shitty that i didnt get an apology but it is what it is. so i worked today went home and later this evening i got another call from the boss who said i was stealing from work, and that he was printing off a copy of the security tapes and that he was calling the cops and they would be at my door tomorrow to have me arrested. so i called the drive through itself to talk to someone and the accountant frank answered the phone and said that he was printing off the tapes and not to call here anymore. the worst part about all of this is noone said i was fired!!!! they simply said that i stole from work. i dont know what to do?!?!?! the only thing i can figure what i should do is to continue to go to work untill they say otherwise. anyone have any imput on what i should do?
  21. Red Beard


    hohahahahhahahahahahahahaha 'that was awesome!!! chris brown practically invented these things <== classic!
  22. i had this happen to me a couple of weeks ago. i was heading out to bellfoutain, and i was watching the truck a head of me swerving a bit as he was driving along. so as we pulled into marysville, i get next to him and hes got this shit eating grin on his face and all the sudden a chick pops up looking like she just swallowed her first oyster! hahahahaha. then she get all embarrased as she looked over to me and my buddy clint laughing our asses off. hahahahahaha
  23. im down for a group class as well. i was wanting to get mine around my birthday (november) but if they will allow me to get it now im down for that as well. hopefully i can still attend the class or we can schedule the class sometime in november.
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