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Everything posted by lawnman

  1. What is wrong with you haters ! That is a beautiful 70's color .
  2. Eastland career center is $4400 for their opota class . Delaware is alot cheaper though, somewhere around $2800 ? Yes , the bpad sucks !
  3. 4 years ago , my direct tv would go out in a bad storm , heavy snow or even if it was cloudy . Since 2 years ago I have not had it go out for any reason . I do not know if they upgraded anything or not , all I know is I have not had a problem for atleast 2 years . So Direct tv is > cable
  4. If you pass all parts of their test , you will be accepted into their academy . The higher you score on the first series of tests the sooner you will get into their academy . From the time you take their first test until the day you start their academy , you should expect that process to take atleast 12 months or longer . Newark is hiring . Even if you do not want to work there , take the test. If you have not taken a video test before , that test will give you experience in taking video tests . Nearly all police departments tests are video tests now .
  5. First time 37 . second time 20 .
  6. wonder if I could make it fit my Gt ?
  7. :grin2: funny. I don't think it is true though.
  8. Your adrenaline will be pumping , that will help you out on the run. That is a easy time to make the run in. As long as you do not walk you will be fine. I had to run the mile and a half outside when the windchill was -10 . The people that was in charge of the run said "we were lucky, the last class had to run it with 2 inches of snow on the track !"
  9. The kids know what the score is ! I coached my kids soccer team when he was 5 years old. I know nothing about soccer and was the only person that was willing to be a coach. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for . The kids kept score themselves . They knew who won !
  10. Are you sure about it ? From '85 - '88 everyone had a Camaro.
  11. I know alot of women that will vote for Obama simply because they say he is good looking and a great public speaker. Personally, I vote for whomever best represents my own views and it is getting tougher to do that every year.
  12. I am hoping to get my car into the 13.6- 13.7 range. Don't know if that is realistic thinking or not .
  13. Not truth , but still funny. I bought a 06 gt only because of the warranty , I really would of preferred to keep my ws6 ! Give me about another year and I will have another ws6 .
  14. Nice ride, now come on out to the Trails in October and see what it will run !
  15. Like the motor and rims, the rest is not for me.
  16. lawnman


    That is what I have been telling people .
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