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Everything posted by spoolin_s14

  1. that's just crazy how some shit like that didn't give off some kind of warning
  2. that's bull i just replaced one of mine from augie's import America in massilion check out car-part.com
  3. got a new set-up so getting rid of this stuff safc-2 $200-----sold evo8 front mount with all piping and a hks flange-$250 hks ssqv-$125 all prices are negotiable intercooler set-up is not the best but it holds pressure good comes with couplers and clamps came off of a 95 240sx with a redtop sr20det
  4. welcome to the board
  5. spoolin_s14

    New here

    did some one say rice
  6. that blows man glad i live further south
  7. welcome to the forums
  8. looks like you follwed a fat chick from white castle j/k nice set-up welcome to the forum
  9. played it once cool shit though
  10. i don't see why women get so offended by that, i think i've been called worse
  11. waiting for my slotted rotors to show up plus it was cold as balls out
  12. reminds me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dmVU08zVpA
  13. finally got around to getting the 300zx brakes put on along with the kazama sub-frame collars. hopefully my hyperflex master set shows up this week so i can re-bush. thecar when it gets nice!!! http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r151/boostedchic/z32brakes006.jpg http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r151/boostedchic/z32brakes007.jpg http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r151/boostedchic/z32brakes009.jpg http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r151/boostedchic/z32brakes010.jpg http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r151/boostedchic/z32brakes011.jpg http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r151/boostedchic/z32brakes001.jpg
  14. i suggest a redtop this prices are great and the power is awesome also you dont have to mess w/ the vvt when you build it. also you can use stock 240 motor mount. i think that the sr is one of the most popular swaps for the older datsuns but the vg30dett out of z32's would be sick
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