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Everything posted by spoolin_s14

  1. car coming along nice get it painted yet?
  2. ahh "dick in a box" classic
  3. so he and is brother will be walking a little funny in the morning ouch
  4. two in mansfield always show two movies for the price of one but plan on spending some hours there
  5. bump for you man a friend of mine had one that was bone stock w/ 190k than ran 13.1 all day
  6. very well worth it isn't that on zilvia.net? i've got over 16k in my swaped 240 and it's no where near that level
  7. at least it ain't as bad as this http://youtube.com/watch?v=5iLUeXin-X8
  8. i was hoping for them to fly out of the window
  9. thats scootin' cross some water
  10. http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r151/boostedchic/siesure_gif.gif
  11. not being a dick ! it's just that i owned one and it always needed to be fixxed damn dsm's anyways
  12. looking good man now about that rust? j/k keep up the progress
  13. think he could hit it twice?
  14. spoolin_s14


    i think that painting it upside down threw me way off
  15. count me in with the usual company plus jason has the white awd running finally so lets get some dig racing started? j/k
  16. thanks guys for the nice comments, i'll probley paint the outer edges of the hood and leave the center carbon fiber but i ran out of paint so i figured i could just paint that later when i had some more cash saved up steps for painting removed body kit lights weatherstripping sanded down car with 320 grit and a d.a. filled 2 dents with duraglass then glazing putty primed with sherwin willams dtm sealer primer(white color) really glossy wet sand car down with 400grit(block) used omni AU red fire base coat 4 coats wet sand with 600(block) 5 coats of omniAU clear 7coats on the front end of car reasembled car still got to wet sand and buff out the car but i've been busy wet sanding plans wet sand with 1500 then 2000 then 3000 buff with 3m ultimate (3000) rubbing compond to shine like i said i'm very pleased with the turn out of the car since it was my first time painting. i kind of knew the basics of it but was lost when it came to gun adjustments and so forth. i know more about body work than i do painting 360iroc: does thatsound right for wetsanding or am i missing something?
  17. sure did i did it my self still got to wet sand it and buff it yet but i have to brag alittle bit due to it being my first ever full paint job i'll get it looking good about the hood i wanted to paint it but the wife said no and.....i have to live with her so i'll let her win this one
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