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Everything posted by spoolin_s14

  1. i think i just threw up in my mouth a little bit... yep and anyways what's with the helmet hair
  2. spoolin_s14

    TT Pinto

    holy flaming balls of shit thats bad ass
  3. dammit you said it was just between us
  4. like that mustang had a chance anyways
  5. spoolin_s14


    truly grip it and rip it
  6. phatpimpclothing.com has some hilarious shirts too
  7. seems fitting for you mt vernon folks
  8. "take it off any sweet jumps" napoleon dynomite
  9. had that one coming to em' (turn ignition to "on" position)
  10. damn damn and more damn they would have to cut my hands off of the wheel
  11. zilvia.net there was a guy selling intercoolers with piping for 350 shipped good deal quality was alright too. glad to see you cross over to the dark side
  12. i got lost in down town atl 10pm on a saturday night before i move to ohio....windows locked!!!
  13. really im looking for some one to retune my sr20 this spring after i pull my car out of hibernation you guys good with e-manage :leghump:
  14. damn they stole my escape plans nooooo
  15. when the tranny went out in my s14 i drove it for 2 weeks with out reverse. just don't forget about it. sounds like sincs. to me
  16. geez rick we gonna why you sell your car? i was wanting to see if the sr20 could take the supra?
  17. it's to bad that the wage is so low or id jump all over it but.. i can't aford to live off of like a third of my current salary.
  18. what all does this involve/ i'm looking for a new career, well at least to get out of construction
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