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Posts posted by NXfedRam

  1. This is the correct answer, however, let's break it down.


    What this is basically saying is, is that they (law enforcement) would rather wait for them to do something illegal and dangerous, allowing the alleged racers to endanger themselves and others further with the possiblity of serious injury or death, so they can add a notch on their (law enforcement) on their belts.


    Doesn't this make them accessories? Hmm?

    this is exactly what I was thinking. If the cops are out to do the right thing and prevent a dangerous situation, their actions did not match up.

  2. take the battery off ASAP. set it aside.


    go get some socks out of your dresser. put the phone in a sock. wrap it up and put that sock into another sock and wrap it up. keep doing this until its about the size of a small to medium football.


    put it in the dryer for about 45 minutes to an hour.


    did that to my phone and it came back to life...


    i mean, what do you have to lose?

    thats honestly brilliant :D

  3. No, but I successfully brought my phone back to life after dropping it in a foot of water.

    I actually left it in a bag of rice for a few days and got it going today. The only problem is a few of the important buttons no longer function :confused:

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