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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. Do you enjoy making yourself eat man once a week?
  2. Go jack off to pics of your grandmother you worthless dick spit.
  3. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j210/erdrickk/LOL-6.gif
  4. Hahahahahhahaha! You faggot virgins have to get sex before you can piss in anything. Sheep don't count!
  5. You've never stood up real quick from your computer desk while surfing porn when someone walks into the house and you knock over the desk with your stiffness and damn near break the computer trying to get to the bathroom to hide?
  6. Now that's how to create an epic thread! Best pic there: http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/3923/donotwantis3.jpg
  7. ...you're pissing and the stream doubles up! Now I have to get Hal's mom to clean the floor around the bowl again. Thank God for hourly employees.
  8. rch10007


    To all CR Members: http://geekofalltrades.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/fag.jpg
  9. I was at a urinal next to a Marine and when I got ready to leave the bathroom, as I passed the sinks, he said, "Hey! In the Marines, they teach us to wash our hands after we use the bathroom!" I replied, "In the Army, the teach us not to piss on our hands!" Hooah!
  10. her skin is getting saggy...but i like roast beef!
  11. I heard Obama created CR to discuss his messiahness...
  12. A vote for any other party is a vote for Obama.
  13. ...like I read the article. :careface: I will continue to legally cheat on my taxes as long as the goobermnet continues to spend in ways that I do not agree.
  14. rch10007

    Home Safety

    *mental note* When robbing Trey, go in during the day and come in through the 2nd floor window. Shoot first, then clear out the 1st floor.
  15. It keeps the curls soft and the TP just sllliiiiiiddddesss with ease.
  16. McCain wants to CUT SPENDING!!!!!!!!!! Obama wants to raise taxes in order to create a larger gooberment and increase spending. That is the difference with the 2 of them. If you're going to balance a budget, you have to stop wasting money or get more money to cover your excessive spending. Which one can you afford to do in your house? I can cut out cable and cell phones or I can charge it! Hmmmm, that would probably create a financial crisis though, if I overspent and couldn't pay back my loans. OH WAIT!!! We in that now! Obama wants to keep it this way? Fuck that!
  17. rch10007

    cheap gas

    Sounds like the US needs to bomb their meeting place. Then again, we'll be in Iran soon enough!
  18. It is NOT a crime to work the system. If there are legal ways to get around paying taxes, why the hell do you have a problem with it? Is it because your ignorance is not allowing you to get ahead, like some of us? OJ got away with murder...Obama is getting away with telling white lies. You're defending a man becasue he's too stupid to NOT pay taxes.
  19. While you're in the DB, accidentally slip me a senior member stat...and a couple purple letters.
  20. Back to normal...relatively speaking, of course.
  21. rch10007

    cheap gas

    Just down here looking for a house.
  22. rch10007

    cheap gas

    There is a station here in San Antonio that was at $1.99 this morning!!!!!!!
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