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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. rch10007

    I Hate

    Fucking stop fucker!
  2. rch10007

    I Hate

    I hate people that make a post with out using the f-word.
  3. rch10007

    I Hate

    I hate Americans that say "spot on" like their fucking British or something.
  4. rch10007

    I Hate

    dats lik bangin n gansta n shiet
  5. rch10007

    I Hate

    I'll take a "new" CCW while you're at it.
  6. rch10007

    I Hate

    I need a toothpick...
  7. rch10007

    I Hate

    She was before we had lunch.
  8. rch10007

    I Hate

    Yeah, but this is a hate thread and I just love reliving memories every chance I get...
  9. Give him the name and addy of a neighbor, preferably some pissed off redneck. Right before he arrives, run out and stick a Vote Obama sign in his front yard.
  10. rch10007

    I Hate

    I hate anal with Kenny after his pizza roll enema. Looks too bloody.
  11. rch10007

    I Hate

    I would prolly just keep that to yourself. Nothing to be proud of.
  12. rch10007

    I Hate

    I don't get it??? The midgets I've had were deep as hell!
  13. rch10007

    I Hate

    He has a midget pecker too?
  14. rch10007

    I Hate

    I hate creamed corn.
  15. rch10007

    I Hate

    I hate anal sex with a chick after her wine enema.
  16. rch10007

    I Hate

    I Hate Chad is Dead
  17. No, but it works since religion has taken a sabbatical. We'd just shoot you so that won't work.
  18. Federal income taxes SHOULD NOT pay for local activities. If a community doesn't want to pay taxes to have clean and safe food, water, and shelter - that's fine! I don't think I should have to pay for you or your kids when you are not local to me.
  19. Ohio - LOCAL gooberment with local and state tax USA - Interstates - fuel tax (You're jaw would drop if you knew how much truckers pay in fuel taxes) Publice funding only - no taxes here - pay for your own kids. If they can't pay, get sponsored by a corporation. Local funds for local jails. You want the assholes off the streets, pay for it. Federal prisons - defense budget again, local taxes - you want cops, pay for them - want firefighters, pay for them Pay for your own kids - can't afford it? voluntary sterilization. Local again - noticing a pattern here? local.......... do I need to say local taxes again? you can pay for this one too. ...and this one, all by yourself.
  20. HAHAHHAHA! Thorne, do you think that those citizens who make 250K or better are the ones who started the war? They are the ones who are paying for it. Along with those roads you drive on and the electric transmission lines for your mechanic to have power to use his air tools. Is it fair that most of our tax revenue comes from just a few % of Americans?
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