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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. http://cdn7.bumperstickersapp.com/bs/small.1353537.jpg..
  2. http://cdn5.bumperstickersapp.com/bs/big.1356295.jpg
  3. I ran into a few of those things while in Okinawa. It's scary as fuck when you come face to face with one!
  4. rch10007

    I Hate

    or Big ole Brestisess
  5. In your case, it's ribbed so she gets something...
  6. Why do you think TP has lines and ripples? Wipe, read, repeat as necessary.
  7. The poor just don't get it. The same rules that apply to us, apply to them - they're just ignorant!
  8. rch10007

    I Hate

    ...that owns a liquor store.
  9. You keeping wasting time on the seat and you're gonna love hemorrhoids!
  10. I just choked on my coffee. Damn it, that was hot... I usually tell my wife, "I have a brown bear peeking out of the woods, brb!"
  11. Apparently Christian can't fucking read. There are NO rules or laws REPEAT ******NO FUCKING LAWS RULES OR REGULATIONS****** stating that Palin did anything wrong by changing her expenditure forms so that she could have her kids with her. The assholes who don't agree are making this an issue BECAUSE they can - that's all! Not becasue it SHOULD be an issue, but becasue they are spinning shit. Just becasue you're too fucking stoooopid to have your own thoughts, keep using others to make invalid and useless points that have nothing to do with nothing. Just becasue you aren't smart enough to own your own business and use tax laws to your advantage, don't hate on those of us who do. And guess what, when I go see my kids in another state, it's a business trip and the gas I buy comes off my taxes, so fuck you haters!
  12. If you cut spending and stop putting pork in the barrel, you don't have to increase taxes AND you can actually reduce them. There are tons of government programs that are a waste of $$$. If you eliminate them, you free up a bunch of cash. Democrats = we need to spend more, so we tax more - poor economic strategy Republicans = we need to cut spending and reduce taxes so the sheep have more $$ to spend in our businesses, which are also paying less tax - better strategy ECON 101 - Spend less than you make USA - Spend it all, then borrow more, spend that, then print more money and spend that too.
  13. My mom said it was your box that was red when she gets done with you. ...btw, she told me to tell you she bought herself another 18" strap on since you broke the last one.
  14. I know you're short, but damn!
  15. No, I don't use paper. When you become a man and grow hair on your ass, you'll figure out what to use.
  16. Oh, BTW, trying to tear down one candidate does NOT mean the other is anymore qualified. Think about it.
  17. So fucking what? She did what she was allowed to do!!!!! Do you hate her OR do you hate the fact that she is ALLOWED to make changes??????? Which is it? If anything, this article shows that she isn't smart enough to figure out who to legally cheat. She has to be told that she can get away with shit. That will be a change to DC where all those fuckers know how to cheat taxpayers. So, I guess you proved John right when he said she will bring change to DC.
  18. Your name should be change to crotchmunch.
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