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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. You're ONLY 21 fucking years old!!!!! You haven't even completely opened your eyes yet. hahahhahahahahah!
  2. That link gives a statement. They don't say that there is a problem. You are assuming there is an issue here. That makes you look like a dumbass. Taylor Griffin, a McCain-Palin campaign spokesman, said Palin followed state policy allowing governors to charge for their children's travel. And here is why there is an article: "There was no valid reason for the children to be along on state business," said Knowles, a supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. "I cannot recall any instance during my eight years as governor where it would have been appropriate to claim they performed state business." There did I type slow enough for you?
  3. Damn it! I was going to posi-rep you and type: "fuck you you faggot" but I got: "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later."
  4. We should send poor people to the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq and then rush them through Iran. Oh wait, we already do that. I guess you guys missed the bus.
  5. Her expenditures aren't erroneous or illegal. Please explain why you don't mind paying for John, Joe, and Nobama to spread lies and blow smoke up your ass? So, you like our Senators to vote "Present" on bills without ever creating anything on his own. Not voting for or against, just Present. Are you sure you're not a dumbass?
  6. It's very technical as far as HOW that clip does it. It would be safe to assume the clip is Jedi.
  7. How are you on the Internutz? You're poor and needy too, remember?
  8. So the 3 SENATORS, who are campaigning, while the TAXPAYER is paying their salary, isn't worth mentioning? It's a shame that you hate women so much to pick on a MILF.
  9. umm...You are not a man unless you have pissed next to another man bare assed while taking a shower together.
  10. They weren't off topic. You were bitching about a woman's clothing. Since you even asked this question means you don't understand women. Then I realized why...because you drive a Cobalt. That means you have a little dick and are so pissed off at the world that no woman in their right mind would be with you. Therefore, your life sucks and you bitch about a woman's clothing on a racing site. The GOP's $$$ is not taxpayer $$$ so whatever they buy her, it's none of your business.
  11. Only time I pissed on myself was when I accidentally sprayed the guy next to me while he was wearing flip flops. The look on his face made me laugh so hard that I couldn't control where I was aiming. Kinda looked like a firehouse without a fireman...but I blamed the sink.
  12. Oh nevermind...I see you drive a Cobalt.
  13. I take it that you've never been with a woman.
  14. rch10007

    I Hate

    questionable = *.kenny
  15. That's ok... I can speed shoot a 3" pattern at 25 yards with my .40.
  16. Not sure about ammo type. It was Army issued during wep training.
  17. rch10007

    I Hate

    You could sit here: 8====> ( . Y . )
  18. rch10007

    I Hate

    It's Pulp Fiction, the "fuck" version.
  19. The only AK I've ever shot had about a 12" pattern at 50 yards. It's pretty sloppy considering it's a machine gun and NOT a rifle. Maybe the ones manufactured today have closer tolerances.
  20. rch10007

    I Hate

    NFWS****************** NOT FUCKING WORK SAFE**** http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=89Jkc5NT08k Enfuckingjoy!
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