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Everything posted by mitcholi6792

  1. I really hope someone eventually kicks him in the nuts. :nutkick: Considering how he acts I probably won't have to hope to much.
  2. http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g304/vyessa/cars_girls_101.jpg
  3. Hey, i just started at Capital University this year. I dont think i've seen you around but im a bio major so im usually always in Batelle hall.
  4. the d-bag responsible got to get out but who ever was with him died. that is just fucked up.
  5. I was in middle school. The teachers started freaking out saying that america was under attack and we where all just kinda like what?? We werent sure what was going on then the teachers turned on the tv's and we watched as the second plane flew into the buildings. Then we got it.
  6. Isn't that when Nostradamus (however u spell it) predicted the world would end? But then again i think one of his predictions is that in 2015 the catholic church will end, so he's not very consistent.
  7. So they're going to wait till i graduate college and then go to full power and end the world just as i was gettin done with the hassel of school. :asshole: 's
  8. Yeah this is the first i heard so i figured i'd share. Yeah im also wondering what they're gonna figure out with it.
  9. "Big Bang" experiment in France has lots of people worried that it'll cause the end of the world. look for that stuff on page 2 http://www.reuters.com/article/wtMostRead/idUSL846768920080908
  10. that's hillarious! it's so bad but so funny.
  11. mitcholi6792

    new to cr

    bump because this is hillarious and here is his myspace http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=89457460 let me just add pay no attention to the fact im on his top friends same for derek
  12. Chrysler Conquest, if it would fit i've seen one with an ls1 in it and it was badass
  13. heard about this this morning on the radio and looked it up during a break between classes thought it was funny.
  14. Hobbs22150 im on COD4 and Forza2 everyonce and a while
  15. mitcholi6792


    how much longer till u can drive tyler?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6mSdEa7Anw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6mSdEa7Anw Saw this today and thought it was great. probly a repost sry but i searched and couldn't find anything so what the hell.
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