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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. He said normal pricing on something like this is anywhere from 400-500.


    It gets cheaper if you have a helmet without graphics on it already I believe.

    He had to take mine and get 3/4 of the graphics off I believe, prime and paint and then he's adding on 3 layers of clear coat after he touches it up.


    He's on OR so he shouldn't be hard to get a hold of. (Reimbrandt is the name)


    The first person I hit up was attack painter because he was local. He said he didn't feel comfortable painting overtop of the graphics and said it would be to much of a PITA for him to get it down to a surface that he deemed acceptable to be painted on.


    I'm much more happy I went with Reimbrandt. He was 100 percent confident in his skills and he blew this out of the water IMO.


    I think those prices are GREAT considering what kids payed to get their hockey goalie helmets done. I fully recommend him.


    Just say you saw my helmet here or on O.R. Only reason he took my helmet to do was so he could get some of his work out there on OR for people to see.


    EDIT: Ryan, if you want to get yours done I would get a hold of him sooner than later. He said work was soon to be picking up and he did give me a bit of a deal since I was one of the first people to ask him for work done. I'm sure you could even do the sanding part yourself and that should cut the costs some.

  2. And as far as claiming stuff under damage... ALWAYS CALL AND ASK IF "X" pothole has been reported yet. If the pothole or whatever it was that caused the damage had been notified to them and nothing was done to it within 1 month then they are liable for all damages.


    If you say hey I want to report this pothole and it fucked up my car, they'll most likely just say sorry.

  3. You have mentioned needing someone to go with on facebook. 2-3 times I said I would go.


    What time of the day do you workout? If you're interested I can get access to my gyms for FREE if you're free during the day time.

  4. 500 push ups through out the day.

    500 sit ups through out the day (Normally do 100 straight 5x a day for both)

    3 sets on the bar


    pull ups

    and so on. I just set aside 30min to an hour right now each day to mess with the free weights.

  5. I like it!!! Many moons ago I followed the Dead for a while with some friends. I saw them last year at the Rothbury fest. These days I try and see as many WSP or Mule shows that I can all over the country San Diego and Austin being my 2 favorite places to watch a live show...


    Haven't had the pleasure to see them myself but listen to them on a regular. I like all the art work that they use so I figured I'd plaster my helmet with it.

  6. Thanks everyone.

    Reimbrandt over on OR did it for me, so somewhat local and he does a great job for the pricing. From what I can tell anyways, I didn't get more than 2 quotes on getting it done.


    I definitely haven't seen another one out there even remotely close to it.


    He started with a helmet with graphics on it, took it all the way down to base and then primered and what not. Turned out pretty good seeing as how we were worrying a little bit some of the old design might show through but it turned out well.

  7. I was sick of the graphics on my helmet and found a guy on OR to air brush my helmet. This is the final product basically with the exception of a few touch ups and then he has 3 coats of clear to throw on it and it's finished.






    Let me know what you think.

  8. I quit for like 3 weeks after I got sick and then picked it up again by socially smoking.



    Replace your cigarettes with something else like gum. I felt sooo much better when I wasn't smoking for those 3 weeks and now my tongue always feels like I've got some nasty stuff just sitting on it.


    Cigarettes taste good to your mind, but they really don't. That urge you feel to smoke is just a trick.

    180 dollars extra a month in your pocket is better than the cigarettes.

  9. Just because it's a Honda doesn't mean 13k isn't a lot. You don't know how this was ridden.


    Getting a bike to 12k rpm isn't hard at all and you can bang through all the gears really easy, and a lot more frequently than you will in your car on the road compared to a bike.


    Still a clean looking bike from the pictures. 3800 and go get it.

  10. I've been finding GREAT deals on the jackets I've ordered. The one I have coming in will be the one I'm sticking with.

    If you want to take this ICON I got off my hands hit me up. I'll go low enough to make it worth putting it on a shelf...

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