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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. The only dedicated shop I know of that's well known is Indoor Gardens. In all honestly if you were going to open a place like this now would be the time to do it. Normally in an economic crisis the gardening market tends to bring in more sales.


    The owner of the stores definitely didn't seem to be doing to bad for himself last I saw him.

  2. Friends getting rid of some of his games. I believe I have 6 total and want to let these all go in a package deal if at all possible.



    Assassins Creed 2- SOLD

    Dragon Age origins- 25 obo

    Demons Souls- PENDING

    Need For Speed Pro Street- SOLD

    F1 Championship Edition- 15


    If anyone wants to take the other 5 as a whole we'll call it $75.

  3. I got a decent amount of miles on my SV as well. I put 4k on it in the short amount of time that I had it.


    Moving up to a 600 is inevitable so I figure I might as well start looking now and hopefully I MIGHT just stumble onto a deal when it gets a little further into winter.


    Do dealerships let you take test drives on bikes? i only have my temps for my motorcycle but I'm insured.

  4. dont be a dumbass on it, and you will be fine.... a 600 still has more than enough speed and power to get you in trouble, its not like youre buying an electric scooter....


    You act like I haven't been riding a motorcycle at all.


    I know I haven't used all the power that my sv has to offer, but I really want to get something that I know I won't be looking to upgrade again in the very near future and I think a 600 is as big of a bike as I'd ever need so why not just get it and get that out of the way.


    For the R6 what years should I be looking at that will keep me around the 5k range?


    Same goes for the zx6r.


    Are there any years that I should stay away from in either of these bikes?

  5. Starting to look at 600's a little bit and I know I'm going to here the go sit on a bike and see what you like but others opinions/ experience, and personal problems with them is always good to have on top of what I like and what reviews say.


    Probably be looking at spending ~5k.


    Been looking at the zx6r and the R6.

    Pros and Cons on these bikes?


    Anything else to look at?

    Figured I'd do some reading on the Hondas as well and I don't think I'll be taking much of a look at the GSXR.

  6. I feel your pain. I had my car broken into and it just completely changed everything. Had to sell my car and get something worse and it put me in the biggest bind for a good bit.


    It sucks that you can work so hard to get things and it can be taken so easily by some fucking lazy ass thieves.

  7. I've NEVER used the hey help me out before. That's why I was asking if it was worth the try.


    I've heard friends had it done, but they went into the bank which may be more helpful since I know all of the counter employees.


    But... our checks were never brought into work which is why I didn't get the put the money in in time. I thought I still had a few cents left in my account, and I did according to my online banking. (No there weren't any gas charges)

  8. I over drafted my account by $1.30 and then had one other charge go through on it on Friday.


    I've had this happen more than once and payed but this time I just can't afford to pay out the extra charges and want them removed from my account. I've had friends had this happen and the charges were removed.


    I'm on the bank now and this Indian chick is telling me they don't do it anymore, change of policy yada yada.


    Can I get the fees removed?

  9. Look into going into business. I started school in business too and I HATED IT! I'm a good salesman and business classes in high school were a breeze. When you get to Fisher you'll come to find it's all asian people joining and starting every club imaginable for their transcript.
  10. I'll get pics when I can.

    You can buy refill cartridges at waterbeds and stuff for 14.99 for 5. Each cartridge is the equivalent of ~1 pack of cigarettes. You can also but liquid bottles online and from what I'm told $10 should be enough for a months worth of liquid for a pack a day smoker.


    Google it for a general picture, if you need one from me just PM and I'll get it when I get the opportunity.

  11. I've only used it a total of 2 days.


    I was working at Waterbeds and some guy came in to ask me about them. Apparently he had found one while at work one day and couldn't find the owner. He wasn't a smoker so he sold it to me.


    I charged it up at work and refilled twice. I got sick not to long ago and quit for the most part and this thing is just sitting here. Looking to get back what I spent on it.


    EDIT: I have sterilized this, but with every new refill pack you buy you get new outer covers.


    And thanks for the comment Antwon.

  12. You should sell it to me when the weather get's warm again and profit.


    Nice bike though. I have no input on what to do to it as I haven't looked into track racing at all. I'd just use it as is for a little bit.

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