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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Yeah I found a place that sells their jackets online and I'm a huge bargain hunter myself. Ordered 2 in a week because of the deals.

    It doesn't seem they carry much in my size with a price range I'm comfortable with.


    Slick jacket though for sure. Happy birthday.

  2. I signed up for the BRC last year but work got in the way and I ended up missing it. I wish I would have been able to take it before I began riding. I think there are a lot of little basic things that I missed out on that the class offered that would have been very beneficial while learning.


    Who cares if you're being judged by a bunch of people you don't know. You're all there to learn the same thing, and many of the things you are going to be learning will help to make you more safe on the road.


    Understanding more about riding on the road Vs. Being judged by strangers


    Even people on OR who have been riding for a few years say they pulled some very helpful information from the BRC. Better to set good habits in the beginning.


    EDIT: I'm signed up this year and have the dates called off already. I need my endorsement.

  3. I keep trying to convince my buddy to get a good helmet too.. hes a cheap bastard sometimes though and always seems to try and find a cheap way out of everything. I never understood people when it comes to buying cheap shit sometimes honestly, especially something that can save your life???

    Nice buy though! Im gonna sport a new X12 when the season rolls around myself ftw


    Bell Star

    I bought a "Cheap Ass" helmet too to be honest with you.

    Bell Star retails for 550 and they have disco models on sale for 150. If you don't like the graphics spend the remaining 400 and get it painted. Your head's not something to skimp on.


    I have a buddy who went down wearing a cheap helmet and the entire chin protection snapped clear off when he hit the ground.

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