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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I hate being young. I have one accident that only involved me in the wreck, a stop sign, and a red light. Cops were Ass Holes for my red light and stop sign tickets.(And the cop broke my glove box when searching my car) I pay 140 a month for liability+comprehensive.
  2. Mason has what 13 consecutive starts? That is wear and tear on your body! I don't recall Leclaire going more than 10 games starting. Mason is young too, and that is just a lot of play time, especially with all that travel.


    I never played goalie but it's not easy playing all those games. That equipments is HEAVY! Although he is not skating around all the time, he is an active goal tender.


    I never was a huge jackets fan, but the way that the team is starting to come together, and I'm really starting to turn around. They make it exciting to watch a game, and the young kids are out there playing for the win giving it all they have.


    Throwing bodies, digging for pucks in the corners. I see a Stanley Cup contender team in the next years to come.

  3. RWD in the snow sucks in general if you don't have some great tires on it. I have RWD and have my subs in the trunk and starting in snow from a stop SUCKS. Makes me scared to pull out into traffic for fear that I just won't make it out quick enough. My car is super tiny though so...
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