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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. 500 billion dollar industry a year.

    Grow it, tax it, make profit.


    Grow hemp, cut down on cotton and trees, and get 4x the amount of materials, for a 1/4 of the cost. Oh, our government is so terrible when it comes to things like this.

  2. Look at this! This came out extremely quick!

    RooR Olympian tube. .us production. Gold glided ice pinches. (Gold Medals)

    I guess you lose one endorsement and gain another. One of these has to be in his possession already.



  3. If you think it's a waste, then you're an ignorant, selfish human being. As a child and adult, I was always very disappointed to know I would never see many animals alive. Even worse, that there were animals my own children would never see; would never get to experience and enjoy. Granted, I know some of you are just being silly and/or supplying your 'internet toughness' to be sure we know you're really men. :rolleyes::D


    It's a part of the world that this happens. Eventually the human race at some point will/ should be over run. It does suck that you get to miss out on a lot of the world, but that's the way it is. Natural selection takes place, and the ones that can't survive die off. It is that way and it should stay that way.


    The only cloning I would encourage is the cloning of animals that were driven to extinction by humans. Clone the passenger pigeons, that's cool with me, but animals that can't survive in their natural habitat should not be cloned and brought back into the world.


    It's not selfishness, it's a fact of life. If the human race is over run, that's the way it should be. We should not be cloned and brought back. We died because we could not survive in the change of effects that was happening in the world.

  4. You can stay off topic, I found a second job so...


    I don't like working with primarily foreign people because I have this notion that they are always talking shit about me. I came about this because I work with Macedonian people, and I picked up on a few of their shit talking words.


    They would talk shit about everyone in the damn shop, and it bothers me that they can just go from speaking English to Macedonian whenever they want to talk about something they don't want me, or any other non Macedonian speaking person to hear. I have plenty of friends that are foreign that speak in other languages, but they primarily stick to English when in their jobs, or with friends, and stick to the foreign language when they are at their houses speaking to their families.


    I'm cool with the Bosnian people I know, the people from Jordan that I know, and now I'm cool with the Macedonians at work.


    It's just something that bothers me and since I did NOT NEED a second job, it was something I was going to steer away from.


    Oh, and Speedway is still hiring if anyone is looking for a job.

  5. They just changed ownership not to long ago.

    I ended up grabbing a job at Speedway. They started me out at 32 hours. My second job just turned into my primary job.


    And I don't want to work with all the Mexicans because I would go insane listening to them speak Spanish all day. I already go nuts having to listen to the Macedonians at my work.


    I'm not discriminating them or anything, I would just go insane listening to that for an entire work day.

  6. I don't NEED to have mine taken out. They actually all fit, but they are suggesting it as they build up with cavities.


    They drug you up really well. No smoking 3 days prior to getting them taken out if you smoke.


    Just take the vicodin you get and it will all be a breeze.

  7. What's hilarious is that people here on the forum have identified the make and model of the bong. :)


    I own more than one of them.


    Not only that but that is a custom one. This is not his first time at this. You don't take your first bong hit out of an 800 dollar tube and know what it is your doing.

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