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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Seeing teeth and brain spattered all over the road could be a good wake up call for others to wear their helmet. If you don't want to wear your seat belt or helmet be my guest. Insurance rates going up aren't significant enough to put a law on people wearing their gear/ seat belts.


    Tyler, I'm sure if your girl ever hopped on your bike she would wear a helmet, and seeing that guys teeth on the road would take the, should I or shouldn't I wear my helmet today question out of the equation.


    Seeing stuff like that is part of life. It gives people something to think about and be more safe in more aspects than just riding a bike.


    Do what you want is how I feel about it.


    I also don't get the blind spot thing with helmets. If you turn your head all the way like you're supposed to while backing up you will see everything that you need to see. You should also have mirrors on your bike so you can see what's directly behind you.


    As far as merging, make the extra effort to turn your head another inch so you can see. I know it can be done because I do it daily. Helmets are designed so that you can see everything you need to while riding your bike. If your mirrors don't pick up something on the road behind you, you definitely have enough room to turn your head and pick up what your mirrors cant.

  2. If you don't want to wear a seat belt or a helmet that should be your right. Like I posted in the Daily Ride, I feel naked without my helmet. I've also had numerous bugs slam into my visor at 70+ and I don't want to know what that feels like on my face.


    My helmet has good airflow, so good that I can feel the wind coming in so heat isn't an issue. I'll deal with sweat to keep my brain from bouncing around in my skull or having my head crushed open like a watermelon when I hit pavement.


    I spent good money to get mine painted as well, why let that go to waste. I like to show it off.

  3. I always wear my helmet on my bike. I personally feel naked without it. I don't want to lose all the the info I've been putting into my brain the past years because some ass hate decided to cut me off or I took a spill enjoying some good roads.


    I also have had numerous giant bugs hit me while doing 70+ and I can only thing what that would have felt like without the helmet on.

  4. It's instant. Go take the test and pay them 23 dollars for your temp permit. You'll get your picture and everything taken that day.


    Most of the test isn't even motorcycle related. More of a, how much alcohol constitutes drunk driving, yada yada yada.

  5. Bikes are harder to hit I believe as well. Every time I drive past those ones set up on the side of the road it doesn't hit me til I'm about 50-70 feet in front of it if it gets me at all. I'm sure they're not as good as a hand held though thats being operated by a person.
  6. License is super easy but that all depends on the bike you take it on too I guess.


    MSF will give you the NM license, if you take it at the BMV you'll get the M. Just get your temps and ride them for a few thousand miles then go take the test.


    I'd look at an sv650 for your first bike if you fit it well and what somewhat of a sportbike. I've never ridden anything other than my SV so I don't know how the SV1000 would act or be for a beginner.

  7. Pizza really does taste shitty with too many toppings and it won't cook all of it all the way if you have a shit ton on their. Just be happy they saved you 10 dollars, delivery fee if that was your planned route and a possible tip that you may or may not have shelled out to the driver.
  8. MSF then rode Coshocton for a bit since I was out that way.

    Second time I got a perfect score on my M test and now I get the insurance discount.

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