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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. 1200 isn't a bad deal for a bike like that, in that kind of condition in my opinion. I love the look of those old bikes. Once mine gets payed off I think something like that will be my next purchase.
  2. First thing my English professor in college told me was to forget everything I learned in high school, just as my History professor told me. High school does not come close to teaching you anything you need to know for the real world.


    I'm not against uniforms at all and I think they should be forced upon the students. It would help with a lot of problems.

  3. Personally, any teacher that is good at their job and tries to get students to want to learn has my respect and I would never act up in their class room, nor do most other students.


    You have a few bad eggs in every batch that doesn't want to be there so they get sent to the office and don't stay in the class room.


    My mom is a teacher, and has been teaching for 28 years now so I completely understand how it all works. She teaches in Columbus Public Inner City and I attended school in that district for a long time as well. I know how kids can be at both the elementary and high school level in that district and it's a joke how rude and distracting they can be. But paddling a kid would make it that much more worse. You would lose any respect they had for you and they would act out that much more than before, and odds are more directly at the teacher than just to be nuisance to the class in most cases. Paddle me once and I'll wear some padding on my ass so the next time I can laugh as you hit me. This might not always be the case, and you may get through to a few of them using paddling. It all depends on the district I guess and the attitude of the students attending to begin with.


    As a teacher do you think you should have the right to paddle a student? I brought this up to my mom and she said "Hell no." She did say if anyone had that authority it should be strictly the principal but she still doesn't think it's something that should be used.


    I wasn't a trouble maker, but a few teachers had some preconceived notions about me from the get go and it was very apparent.

  4. It's just the fact that my mom really didn't have to spank me nearly as often as most children, nor my brother. We both understood right from wrong. I'm not saying I never got hit, but it was very rare. I understood what was expected from me on a daily basis.


    I'm not against hitting a child, but I think it should be left to the parents and not the teachers. If your kid comes home from getting in trouble at school and you give him/ her an ass whooping they won't do it again. But they should understand on their way in what fly's in school and what doesn't fly in school.


    My mom is a teacher in Columbus Public Inner City school district, so I'm not blind to how children act. She only has a handful of children that act up from time to time and normally it's when they're off their meds. If you're a good teacher and do what you can to make a connection with your students then they aren't going to act like a bunch of hooligans in the class room out of RESPECT.


    The only teachers I've ever given a hard time in school was a drunk and a guy who would put notes up on the board, go sit down and play games on his computer or read Game Informer magazine. If you're not doing your job what's going to make me want to do mine while I'm there? If you're a good teacher your kids will want to sit in school in learn. It's about understanding what method is best for your students. If you're a good teacher you should never have to resort to paddling.


    I'd be extremely pissed if my future kid got paddled because he expressed him self for a good reason in the class room. If he did something out of dis-respect, I want to handle the situation myself so I, as my kids parent and role model, can teach him what's right from wrong.

  5. Pot head debating ???? I can't take it anymore..


    There is a reason they call it dope!


    I'm not a pot head. Because I have glass connoisseur as a user title I must be a pot head of course. And everything made out of glass must be used to smoke marijuana out of it.


    Pot heads debating... I know people that smoke marijuana that have done much more with their lives than you ever will. You must have had those parents that told you they never did any drugs in their lives and if you do drugs your brain will turn to scrambled eggs. You are a very close minded individual.


    But back on topic... what are the guide lines as to what's considered acceptable to give a student the paddle? What one parent thinks is acceptable a teacher may not.


    If a teacher just has a problem, or likes to stereotype a kid and has a preconceived notion about him/her what's to stop them from taking special advantage of this power?


    I got a lot of shit from a lot of teachers in school just because of the way I dressed, but I was in every honors class we had to offer with the exception of English classes. I finished my high school math in my Sophomore year and took every science we had to offer before I was a senior.


    I qualified for state business competitions my Junior and Senior year and finished first in regionals both years to make it to states for DECA competitions. I did one thing wrong acting up and I would have had the paddle immediately by a lot of teachers because of their hypocritical minds and I think it's bull shit.

  6. anyone who's title is glass connosieur has room for improvment :)


    Another stereo-type you and many others have when you first see me/ look at some of my info. My glass is art that would blow your mind if you saw some of it in person. I don't have a bunch of shit you would find anywhere but a very select few places in Ohio, and they don't even have anything that I find interesting. It's truly a piece of art that I rarely use. Most of it's made for the visual liking and not function, but the fact that it is what it is and is functional is why I have drawn an interest to it.


    You don't know my habits and if you did you would be rather surprised in how often I indulge in the recreational activity you think I do.


    EDIT: I could put a number of things I own on my kitchen table and you would have no idea what it's true purpose was.

  7. Where do you draw a line between what the parent thinks is acting out and the teacher? I wasn't much of a trouble maker in school but I sure as hell would speak my mind to any teacher. I've made teachers jaws drop with some of the remarks that I've mad but they were wrong in what they were saying, so I spoke out about it.


    My mom raised me just fine and MAYBE had to give me a spanking twice my whole life.

  8. No no no...you spelled it wrong...




    Yeah, juggalos are nuts. Used to be friends with some in high school. I will take on the thugs in my neighborhood any day over some crazy white boy juggalos.


    I've met one Juggalo in my life that was cool and I wouldn't have known he was a Jug until he told me so. But he has a different outlook on their music than all the others I've met and I guess he understands ICP's new musical message? I guess their new music is about finding god? I don't know, I don't listen to it and never will.


    Next time the Juggalo crew comes into my work I'll take pictures to post. It's ridiculous. But I guess Columbus is in the top 5 of Juggalo places to live from what they tell me.

  9. And the new "Rap" that's out is there to make money and it works because they understand what people want to hear. Anyone who knows real hip hop knows the music on the radio sucks and everything they rap about is fake.


    Every time I tell someone at work that I listen to rap they look at me super confused because I'm more 60-70 era music oriented, but I'll listen to anything that's putting out a real message.


    90's rap/ hip hop is great music with a message and they were making music that expressed a real lifestyle they were living. No rap that comes out now will ever bring up as much controversy to society as it did back in the day.


    Let the wannabes do their thing. Anyone who knows what real rap/ hip hop is just gives a grin and laughs it away.

  10. Took my bike up there for a tune to get it smoothed out. Troy did a great job on it and they hooked me up with a power commander for my bike. Great price and a good service up there. Bike has a little bit more power to it and rides smoother through the gears. Had a little issue with my bike and they fixed it for me on the spot so we could get the tune done. They know their stuff!


    Thanks a lot ATS.

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