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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. everyone that i tlaked to that did it said it was shady as hell lol


    one company she worked for sold it to a company an then she got paid for the commision then the company the next month backed out an the company she worked for went after her for the commision $ :wtf:


    That's how all companies work. If you sell something and make xxx dollars as a company then they back out then the company loses out on money. You think they'll pay you for selling something to someone they didn't keep and take a hit in profit for you?


    All sales jobs are hurting right now. Make sure when you're looking at jobs that the goals you have to meet to keep the comission you make off each sale is attainable on a monthly basis.

  2. I'm sure this is already a law, but people should have to pull into the lane closest to them, so I can turn into the lane closest to me and we can all be happy.. Instead of me turning when they turn and they honk at me and I give them the finger for being a moron and not paying attention to simple traffic laws.


    This is already a law too, people just don't follow it. I drive a POS so I just pull out regardless. If I get hit I profit.

    Kind of like how you can't change lanes in the intersection but people still do that too.

  3. keep the stupid bicycles off the road for cars. it's dangerous for a car to be going 25mph under the speed limit, but for some reason jack asses think it's ok to ride their bicycles on a 55 mph (riverside) road with curves. GTFO of the way!!!!!!!!!!!


    It's actually a law that it's illegal to ride your bicicyle on the side walk.

  4. Owning a condo really all depends on your neighbors. My neighbros where I was living were super cool. The one guy was never home except every other weekend and the other neighbors we could shoot the shit with and drink with them all night long. Very like minded people.
  5. They're so good at riding they don't wreck, therefore no protection is needed. They wear the helmet all the time and I see them more often then not without a jacket on, but I normally only see them standing on the side of the road and not riding.
  6. Be careful with those ebay ones. Know of a few instances on droidforums where guys have bought what's been claimed as 32gb's micro sd cards and they've not worked at all.


    The new phones need the SDSC2 or something like that. Thanks for the link Smokin but it won't work on my phone.

  7. Anyone looking to go ride this weekend. I don't have a route planned so I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any.


    I'm good for Saturday and Sunday. I'd prefer to stay out of the Hocking area due to all the traffic down there over the weekend. Coshocton, 555, 260, 78, 26 any of them will do just fine. Kentucky or WV would be fun rides as well if you don't mind going on an all day trip.

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