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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. FYI, if you don't use PayPal often and want to beat the fees have them send as a "Gift" or "Payment Owed". The only problem with this, or plus to this is that you can't file a dispute when money is sent this way.


    You will get hit with fees and it will be a 3% percent charge so I'd have him add that on to what he owes if you don't want to be hit with that.

  2. I'm just saying it's something to think about and take into consideration. I know a lot of people that will complain about how the SV's carbs gum up and that the non EFI versions are something to stay away from.


    If it can be avoided stay away from the carb'd versions. EFI is much better all around but most will cost a bit more.


    I don't know this persons habits on taking care of their stuff.

  3. There is a nice 2000 SV650 for sale on CL and it looks like it's Hoblicks, 88lx5oh on here. Only thing is it's carb'd and something I'd suggest staying away from, especially on the SV. They like to get gummed up over winter.


    Your first bike you WILL drop. I did it once already so looking at something with minimal to no plastics is a good idea. Most people don't like the look but you can't see what your bike looks like when you're riding on it either way.


    You may get bored of the SV or a smaller bike in the straight real quick but on the twisty roads you won't be using the bikes entire potential for a while anyway and that's where you'll want the bike to be more forgiving.


    From all this I would say to stay away from the 600 I4 and up for your first bike, regardless of what your friends say or others may think. Some do and some don't.


    Lastly PAY ATTENTION TO INSURANCE RATES! Full coverage for me on a 600 I4 was outrageous! With my V-Twin I pay 50 dollars less per month for FULL COVERAGE than I do having bare minimum liability on my 96 4cyl Accord.


    Set aside at least 500 for gear at a bare minimum. Always wear your gear. You need to dress for the fall and not the ride. I skimp on the pants and that's a risk I take every time I go out but I'm investing in some leather pants or a one piece soon for the more spirited rides.


    You ARE INVISIBLE to everyone else on the road when you're on a bike. Understand where peoples blind spots are, watch your mirrors but never trust them.


    Don't let family fears of you falling or any of that make your decision on getting a bike. Unless they have grown up riding they probably won't be to fond of the idea and will give you the handbook on all the dangers as to why you shouldn't ride. Take them to note, riding isn't for everyone.

  4. I don't follow UFC at all, I have zero interest in it. But I'm a bandwagon fan I guess? I like watching Kimbo fight. Probably the only reason he's in the UFC is so people like me will watch from time to time.
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