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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I know 24 over is hauling. I was following someone but I know it doesn't make it right.


    One ticket was from an accident that occured when I first started driving. First time in the snow and it happened to be the worst snow of the year, got a failure to control... shit happens when you're learning to drive.


    Since I was caught by the plane, what cop is going to show to the court date? The ticket issuing officer or the guy in the plane?


    EDIT: They got the guy I was following at 76, how there was the discrepancy is beyond me... How do the planes "Clock" you?

  2. Cutoff jeans, T-Shirt, and lots of "I know my rights" = WIN.


    I don't own jeans, so that's a FAIL.


    Seriously. I'm looking for real advice on the situation.


    EDIT: The job that I have I don't really need to have, it's just a BS second job that brings in a few extra dollars a month but they don't need to know that. I think it will just help my cause.

  3. Picked up a ticket last week and I plan on going to court and trying to get no points on my license.


    -24 over in a 55

    -Plane got me and the person I was following

    -Chillicothe was the location

    -On my bike

    -I believe it was radar or laser, but can go double check


    How many times does it work out that you can just pay the fine and get them to not tack on any points. This is my first speeding ticket, but I've got 6 points from prior tickets. (Stop signs) I always feel like I'm in California for some reason.


    My job relies on me having less than 6 points on my license.


    Any insight on this would be helpful. I don't want to go into the courtroom blind as a bat with what to do.


    Dress up for the occasion? I was planning on it, but if it's not entirely necessary I don't want to get my nice clothes off the hangers.

  4. Glad you made it home safe and sound.


    You're a lucky dude. Seems like every time you get pulled over you get a warning or leave without a ticket. I had a very not so similar experience this weekend.


    Think the Dragon will re-open? I want to get some twisty experience this year.

  5. That's a pretty insulting offer IMO. You can't get a working 255W anywhere for that price.


    Opinions are like ass holes. Everyone has them. Worst he could say is no.


    I'll look at the specs and get back to you. I've been looking for something for my bike.

  6. Nope, didn't see any Blue Hyundai on the way there or back.

    Time to go to court and pay a fine and skip the points.


    I'm kind of pissed I got clocked faster than the guy I was following. He was hauling asssss the whole way, that's the only reason I was following him. Didn't expect a plane to catch us. They're almost invisible when there are some clouds out.


    At least my first speeding ticket was a good one. I was one exit away from my destination.

  7. Watch out for those plans and helicopters in the air with this warm weather.


    I was following a guy on my bike down to Chillicothe and they clocked him at 76, me at 79 and while we were standing around getting written up they pulled over two more people.


    79 in a 55 FML.

  8. We've always done Iams for all of our dogs.


    And as far as making your dogs coats look good pour a little bit of olive oil on their food and you'll see great improvements.

  9. So I did a DIY Fender Elim. Last night with a friend and this is what we came up with.


    I spent a total of 20 dollars.

    I bought lights from Autozone but they had no backs or anything to mount it too so I had to go back out and get those.


    Could have used the stock lights but this is sort of "Flush Mount" looking the way we went with it.


    All the parts were recycled from the big ass mud flap that we took off.


    Only thing I'm missing is we couldn't really get the rear license plate light in there so I'm hoping my brake lights will suffice for that.




    Let me know what you guys think.


    I'll try and get some more pictures of it later tonight or tomorrow to show you how it looks from all angles. But this is definitely better than spending 100-200 on a kit.

  10. it's a lot easier to grow weed in your basement than it is to grow tobacco plants and make cigarettes.


    This is where a lot of people get confused. It's not that much harder.


    Just like beer, it's extremely easy to brew your own beer, just a lot of people wont do it because it's easier to go out and buy it.

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