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Everything posted by abuseU1300

  1. Josh ... Good looking out on the gear info . Cool , I will be in touch .
  2. I paid some mexicans to do some work for me , cheap labor and they got the job done . WTF was I supposed to do , I couldnt find any sparkling wiggles or crackers to do it ...
  3. Do you know how to do the gear ratios ? I was thinking going to the 18/38 or 19/39 . What would those combo get ?
  4. Yes , thats the next thing Im looking into is a good camera mount .
  5. I have a new CP hi comp. piston and stage 2 cam that need put in my Raptor 700. I would also like to get the head worked . Would like to find someone to do it on the side instead of taking it to a shop . Thanks .
  6. Maxtons record is 260+ mph in 1 mile on a turbo Busa and it only has around 400+ hp . I know in Bonniville the top speed is in the 260's , but its more than a mile and the big turbo Busas pushing 550+ hp have real traction issues . I have always been into drag racing . Just recently I have plans on maybe doing some top speed runs . Just bought a new portable GPS . I cant wait to see some 200+ top speeds .
  7. Whats the top speed on those cars (Supras)??
  8. When I go its in the 70's to 80's . But thats in May, August or Sept. . I would guess at the end of march your looking at weather in the 60's ?
  9. OBX . We rent a house on the beach every year for family vacation . Very nice and quiet . Never been in march . If interested I will get the info for the beach houses from the wife .
  10. Where the eff did someone find a chunk of ice ???
  11. He should of had a tighter grip .
  12. Looks fun . Cant wait to get a piece of that action .
  13. I have been to the Columbus Sheriff auctions and bidded on a few houses but never won . The Banks end up buying back 90%? of the houses back . Some of the houses I bid on where vacant , a couple still had people living in . which means you have to go through evicting them if you win the house . I plan on going to the Sheriff auctions again as soon as the new baby is born . Theres alot of money to be made now that they are revamping downtown . Just go and get a feel for it if you have never been before . Good luck !!
  14. I have Sirius ,came factory in my truck . Have not listened to locals since . Faction and Shade 45 FTW !!!
  15. ^^Very good advice for your first post !! BTW Welcome . Iron Pony will have tire changing tools . Its not hard to change a tire , just takes a little practice to get a good technique down . They do make manual tire change stands for cheap if you plan on doing it all the time . Good luck !!
  16. This is crazy !! My house was making same noises last nite . Happened about 3-4 times , sounded like the someone was body checking the house . Freaked the wife out and had me out in the could like WTF !!! Then what was even more crazy is today the neighbor a few hundred yards away, called my wife wanting to know if my son could come down and play . Then asked if we heard any loud noises last night . I also thought it might be ice falling off roof , but found nothing . Checked my attic , nothing . Had given up thinking Im going crazy , Then POW !! I see this freakin thread . Cool ,I feel normal now . So WTF. Is there anyone who can solve this mystery ?? Wheres the Mystery Machine when you need them ??
  17. abuseU1300

    Cooper roll call

    Hell if there is going to be quads there . Im down .
  18. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k59/abusu1300/INDGEN1.jpg
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