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Everything posted by abuseU1300

  1. You can get seat time against me . If its VP or Torco 116 Ill take 5-10 Gal.
  2. Cavin , Let get together . Have your peoples call my peoples
  3. I have ridden the 1000rr and zx10 . The new Honda is really nice , I like the electronic steering dampner . Makes it feel nice and stable at high speeds . I use to sell bike at Ask and Hines and my only advise would be is to take your wife and you guys jump on all of them to see how they feel . Unfortunately your zx9 is probably one of the more comfy liters out there . Me I would get a Busa J/K . I think you cant go wrong with any of the newer bike , But if I had to pick one of the 3 of your choices . Honda 1000rr would get my vote .
  4. Man you gots you a air shifter and lock up now ? :funny: I think you just scared away ........ NOBODY !!!!!! Dude we have been fuckin with shit like that for years , glad you can join us . I think its going to be funny when you get your ass drug by a stock motored/wheelbase Busa with no airshifter or lock up :nutkick:
  5. Yeah , OK :gay2: Just make sure you bring your money down and get a lane chump .
  6. I think YOU need to get in line . You just need to worry about dealing with us slow Columbus bikes first before you start thinking you run shit !!!
  7. I know I have a race with the Supra sometime ?
  8. I might be able to do a trip this week , will have to check my schedule . I know Mon. I have one appointment in the morning . Perry will be super muddy and Wayne will too . Hope you have some good tires . Hit me up .
  9. All our bikes are stock I promise . If your looking to do some racing , I will show you around .There are plenty of suckers around here givin $$ away .
  10. I4 1298cc of pure mayhem
  11. http://www.stilemedia.com/?v=monica.wmv&akey=42fd0317a7f4a9f2ecf87441851d3188&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stileproject.com%2F&vs=8
  12. What about a twist throttle off a sportbike , I have a few you can try ?
  13. I go to Krash all the time . Some of the most wicked hills to climb . They dont call it Krash for no reason , True story ...
  14. Is better than getting that ass dragged .
  15. abuseU1300


    I'll be out sometime after 9 or 10 .
  16. Theres the problem... 12R + sucky aerodynamics = flip at crack of the throttle
  17. You will need a different undertail . Tigertail , TheMoterhead undertail is the best bet . Stiffing up shock will help a little , but will make it ride worse . I'll pm you some links with the different options .
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