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h22 yo

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Everything posted by h22 yo

  1. that's awesome you're out travelling and spending time with the little one... feels like yesterday i was doing the same with my father. time flies dude... charish that shit.
  2. h22 yo

    Iraq war, DONE

    how long until a civil war breaks out? blame europe, they colonized this area extremely poorly, spliting 3 ethnic groups and shoving them into one small area.... SMART. not.
  3. go get checked out asap! i was sick for a few days, cold chills headaches stomach aches.... then a few days later boom, had the flu and strep throat. was miserable.
  4. h22 yo

    Lets Hunt

    nah, owners wife left him, he murdered himself, and let the animals go.
  5. i'd walk away... assuming thats what you did right?
  6. you guys really think osu is going to do well? smh... who as quarterback? etc.... not a chance. and id still pick wisconsin or msu over osu in the big ten
  7. smh at the white kids in the video above me.... fake gangsters at there finest.
  8. yeah, op you might wanna try zoombezi, a bunch of 15-18 year old boxers at our gym work there.. they say it's pretty easy and fun to check out the occasional drunk hot girl.
  9. retarted? hm... pot calling the kettle black i do say. must be all those 20-35 mph runs your sentra is barely able to do getting to your head...
  10. mill run, right after the saturn dealership
  11. movie tavern.. they always called me when i applied a few years ago.. so might as well give it a shot. my buddy says he gets to sneak peak new releases too pretty early
  12. good, now you have booze money for this saturday night! woop
  13. embarassing.... idk what was worse, the song, or the stock sky........
  14. mma would be pushing it big time.. not to be an asshole but the cardio is going to be the biggest problem.. im assuming the majority of people here arent in their best shape so instead, have them throw haymakers til one tires out or is KO'd lol
  15. responded, hope it was what you were looking for.
  16. not too worried brah... in fact, 0% worries hurrr.
  17. whoa dude you and dover must be some of the coolest and toughest dudes out there...... how do we bookmark this? i must show all my friends this amazing story.
  18. havent read all 8 pages as i dont sit here all day but whats so fucking hard to comprehend? do not set up races on here, as it leaves the owner in deep shit when things go wrong (family threats, court, etc...) for gods sakes, put your childish behavior to the side and put yourself in the owners shoes. i for one, wouldnt wanna be the guy who is responsible for having the owners family put in any sort of harms way just because i wanted to nutswing and bench race some dudes lambo...
  19. god damn this coltboostin dude is annoying as fuck.. lemme ask, do you use those little sticky hands to open your tin can cars/flush toilet?
  20. why do you constantly say 'we'? your broke midget ass couldnt afford a galardo anyway.. yes im just sturring shit up, no i cant compete with said lambo, bring it. :fuuuu:
  21. siiiick.. looks really good wingless and on the rpf1's.. for some reason they are played the hell out on s2000s... damnit.
  22. ^ derek holland? faced him in high school.. newark or something right?
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