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h22 yo

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Everything posted by h22 yo

  1. how my car is functional? because i do not go through oil pans, sets of tires, etc.. pretty self-explanitory
  2. it's my personal preference to have a car that isn't homo as fuck with negative camber out the asshole and scraping 24/7.. much like a 'straight' guys preference to be seen in a mazda miata.
  3. far from it bud.. you seem like a real cool guy though man.. just an internet sensation!
  4. ^ what do you not get about my previous statement? it's layed out all right there for you.
  5. i'll never understand the volkswagen community.. rusted hoods, rusted everything.. cheap looking vehicles. yes i know i drive a honda, but i do not support any of those dumbass fads.. hellafunctional > hellaflush
  6. ^agreed.. you seem to know your shit! im currently bulking, gained 12 pounds in 8 weeks. taking it slow so i dont add too much fat.. once im up around 185-190 i plan on cutting whatever fat i did gain.
  7. whatever works for you homie! word on the street is though if you do cardio after weight lifting, you are more likely to burn more calories, thus more fat loss.
  8. how is pib? me and some friends are planning a trip but someone told us it was all old people?
  9. ^word. thats why the HIIT is so much better for dropping fat because supposibly when you start running those 30-50 minute runs, you begin to burn muscle tissue as well.
  10. protein, glutamine, creatine, and a good multivitamin should be plenty. your diet is the most important part.. bodybuilding.com is your friend.. and yes i read you didnt want to be a body builder but there nutrition articles are second to none
  11. ^word.. it's hard. very hard. also, if you are trying to drop fat quick, the best cardio believe it or not is not your typical 45 minute run at 6 mph or whatever.. but rather HIIT, or high intensity interval training. a good quick 15 minutes, and you burn off much more fat, while minimizing muscle loss. i usually do a 5 min warmup on the treadmill at 6 mph, then 1 minute at 10, 1 minute at 7, 10 minute again at 10, back to 7, etc.. another good one is called 30's, where you sprint for 30 seconds, jog for 30 seconds, and continued for 12-15 minutes.
  12. if you really need a thermagenic i'd go with hydroxycut hardcore.. there is a reason its the #1 selling one in America. HOWEVER, the easiest way to drop weight is hardwork and nutrition. there is 3500 calories in a pound.. so: 1-find your daily caloric needs (example:2800 calories a day needed to maintain current weight) 2-subtract 500 per day(2300 calories a day CLEAN FOODS, 40% of calories from protein, 40% from carbs, and 20% from good fats) 3- 500 calories off a day for 7 days = losing one pound per week. ^ modify that as you see for harder gains, ie 1000 calorie deficit a day. . etc.
  13. soooo clean dude.. amazing car!
  14. that was one of the better commercials ive seen in a while! wtf ban
  15. 16' enkei gf1's with pirelli p3000's? new tires.. clean with minimal curbage or anything.. lemme know
  16. ahaha love you too steve you douche! who can i contact about getting my name changed? my slow f23 account was banned but i want that name lol
  17. haha yeah man.. it was a good night on campus mang. everyone was lookin at it like WTF?!
  18. we were downtown last night, and steve (just2sweet) screamed while drunk "BATMOBILE!!1!11!!" lol
  19. amazing work mang! you da man! can you pm me the pictures from the job? need a signature :]
  20. take it cinergi! im a complete newb with this shit, so what all else would i need besides the receiver and speakers?
  21. could you give me a ballpark on prices for either?
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