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h22 yo

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Everything posted by h22 yo

  1. movin into a house at my university.. so i figured some nice floor speakers would def be one of the first things id need! good friends with just2sweet so he can vouch im good for payin up and everything, dont mind the low post count. show me what you got! located in columbus, but willin to travel
  2. steve.. i got information on the severity of this. the big dude everhart last night said $500 ticket, 6 points on the L, and expect to be paying close to $2500 a year for insurance because you are going to be placed as a "high risk" and 3.1 cutlass.. i'd love any day of the week to drag that peice of shit cutlass around a track in a freaking honda accord. thats if your broke ass can pull the wallet out from your skin tight girl jeans bahah
  3. must be nice buying a car thats fully done for you
  4. What time was this at? Pretty sure me and my friends were out and saw a 4 wheel thing flying lol.
  5. Yeah I've been trying to figure out where to buy the adaptor and such at, and I can only find the 94-97 accord parts?
  6. How much would a short shifter cost installed on a 99 accord ex 5 speed? i tried searching for members who are employees but couldn't find anything. thanks :]
  7. Maybe if osu played any decent teams they'd have a different record?
  8. I'd say no wing, or find some nicer looking ones that are still fully functional.
  9. k, 1k on the race. no ditching out. and by saying you cant touch me because im under 18 is implying that you would hit me if i was 18? So how about I bring someone over 18 so you can get your ass beat. sound good?
  10. Discuss. Oh and pics for the win: Here's his front yard ---> http://www.getrichslowly.org/images/junkyard.jpg Here's his home ---> http://www.sequoyahcountysheriff.org/abandoned%20mobile%20home%20lab%20trash%20north%20of%20vian%20photo%205.jpg Oh, and by the way, I could careless if my 4 banger is slow. I'm 17 years old, a fast car is the dumbest thing I could own. kthxbye. And no, I don't want to dig race. I DUNNWANNA DIG R4C3 man, yo!
  11. h22 yo

    VTEC99 is a bitch

    .. Seems like everyone is bashing you bro. I'm seventeen years old. Having a souped up car isn't my top priority. Yes I drive a honda accord. Yes it's a 4 banger. Yes it's 150hp from the factory. Anything else?
  12. h22 yo

    VTEC99 is a bitch

    .. cool? Because I said you and twisted rydes or lowriders10 and that hotnnasty girl all live in the same trailor park? good one. +1 for going back to college douchebag.
  13. Agreed. Anyone well trained would whomp on kimbo. shoot throw the gracie family in there, he'd be done :]
  14. h22 yo

    167 MPH, true?

    I would have just kept going. I don't get how the cops could keep up? Unless they were already moving? If they simply were clocking while being parked, i don't get how the caught him. he should have gotten off at the next exit, and parked it somewhere.
  15. I'm in love with this car titus.
  16. wow. i saw around 20 cobra's in the meijer parking lot on hilliard rome road. any connection to the two places?
  17. On the way home from some car show in marysville sponsored by some pizza place, I saw the cars at advanced. nice cars. saw whininz's cavy, a nice ass 07 orange vette, and other nice cars.
  18. h22 yo

    Noobie here

    Could this be what's his name? lowered s10 douche?
  19. I hated it. I bet they make a movie to end it.
  20. h22 yo

    WTB - Youth ATV

    Sounds good bro, i'll shoot you a pm tonight. I have to run by there soon anyways.
  21. sounds good bro, just hit me with a pm if you want to take it.
  22. h22 yo

    WTB - Youth ATV

    If you know where dellinger road is out in galloway, saw a nice red one for sale on the left hand side going towards hubbard. If you'd like I can get the # for you?
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