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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. I cant get over the fuglyness compared to the S. Looks like a Cruze with no grille.
  2. I'd think the extra 2G's is very worth it in that case.
  3. If I actually was into fair rides, it wouldn't bother me to get back on them. Could likely more easily get killed on the way to the fair. This is just a very sad occurrence. Even if it comes to be they forgot a cotter pin or something.
  4. Good thing hydraulic lines don't hold them on lol. But, they are definitely detachable for transport. Might make it really easy to forget a simple cotter pin or something.
  5. I'm cool with it. You have the cash, you do what you want. They will be good to potentially have in some low-mileage, clean state in 100 years.
  6. I've not even heard about it lol Ill put it on the list!
  7. I was going to say maybe they just work hard (or smart), but then that may mean Drewhop is just super lazy with his massive dick lol. And this is the problem with generalization.
  8. Super sad. I still have a LP cd in my 6-disk today. Never really knew any of their names or anything like that but certainly enjoyed them as a band. They were like the soundtrack to high school for me. Hearing about things like this just seems to make me mad. I get mental health is no joke whatsoever, but I find it hard to grasp such a decision....moreso from someone who is "successful". However, I'm sure with such success come vast complexity in everything in life.
  9. Just need some blocking for where the opener pull hits the wall. Spring and all would raise too...looks like good blocking for it. Otherwise its just raising it all up and extending the track
  10. Looks like it https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?gclid=CjwKCAjw47bLBRBkEiwABh-PkVinIYD5ltiA9sspH8eG_HgfMHrlKQm0clrWye_Tdv9RqlUkhG3nLhoCeVUQAvD_BwE&tireMake=Kumho&tireModel=Ecsta+V720+ACR&partnum=53YR9V720ACR&GCID=C13674x012-tire&KEYWORD=tires.jsp_Kumho_Ecsta_V720_ACR_Tire&code=yes&src=17540115&ci_sku=53YR9V720ACR&ci_sku=53YR9V720ACR&ci_src=17588969&s_kwcid=AL!3756!3!72322456453!!!!112375988893!&ef_id=WA4f4AAABYjMsDwg:20170718212224:s
  11. Not needed. We don't put them on any new homes. Just the gel stain fiberglass ThermaTru doors, typically.
  12. A babys head could get stuck in that grille!
  13. I saw it at C&C too. Not a fan.
  14. http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/ib.gif
  15. Thoguht we'd have dozens of flood pics. I thought I got some great dash cam, but the damn thing was on the fritz. Saw some douche prius intentionally soak a girl on the sidewalk.
  16. Is there a fuel filter(s)? Just thinking easiest option first lol
  17. Its pretty good overall. I mean, you can see the person selling, so that is nice.
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