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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. Bad tire. Nobody would slash a tire on the tread.
  2. Might go for it if its going to be constantly heated all winter? If you are just going to warm it up when you go out there I dont think there is a huge benefit on an overhead door. Going to be losing heat like crazy at the edges of it anyway. Also weigh the pros and cons of window panels in the door if you are looking into fancier doors. They look great, the light can be really nice, but man in the winter they just ice over. Id actually want some insulation thrown down at the perimeter foundation and slab moreso.... that shit gets COLD and just doesnt heat up easily
  3. :fuckyeah: with power windows even....
  4. Little things make a huge difference. Nice work
  5. Yep not code. We thought they were for a little while and started putting them under machines, but have since stopped. Even on second floors which I think is just nuts not to do...but not code = no pan (unless the buyer buys one of course). I put a pan under mine, but it is not plumbed... just wanted it in case something started leaking a little, which would be hard to notice.
  6. Aside from the tons of car related channels: Check out Steve1989MREInfo. Dude tries MREs...some 50+ years old. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2I6Et1JkidnnbWgJFiMeHA my mechanics. Rebuilding old crusty things. Pretty cool to watch https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMrMVIBtqFW6O0-MWq26gqw From there its pretty interesting to watch wristwatch revivals and even shoe repair. It can be a long rabbit hole lol.
  7. We had a client use Morton Buildings, Inc for a 30x40. Invoice said company was also in IL but they built it here. Looked nice.
  8. Very nice! Did anyone else expect some sort of fancy Foxbody? LOL
  9. I bought one of these. Really nice. Rather roomy as well. Works quick and quietly, and the light up buttons and interior is nice. https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/stack-on-quick-access-safe-with-led-light-and-alarm-e-lock?campid=71700000060361508&adgroupid=58700005480594783&device=c&keyword=92700049973080846&Channel=pla&gclid=CjwKCAjwps75BRAcEiwAEiACMRuOVe9KFWvK0E9XFSKeqGdGLnIIOEKh1GQNI08N1whtCn2_MnSXGxoCgFkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#repChildCatid=5433248&ogmap=SEM|PLN|GOOG|SHOP|c|OUT||NonBrand-Shopping-OOM-Outdoor|Outdoor-Hunting||71700000060361508|58700005480594783 The one I got has large square LED lit buttons in lieu of the little nipple-looking ones in the vid.
  10. Pretty quick hunk of iron there. Nice
  11. I need to do this as well. Sub'd
  12. Sounds like its no partnership at all, but you are just getting a position for the work you do, and potentially a reward at the end if it goes to plan... If that compensation is worth your time, then all good. Sounds like he would retain all the risk should it not work out. If you want to also hold risk, you should be justly compensated for doing so. Risk = Reward usually....or at least higher percentages.
  13. LS swap thread had me wondering about this one!
  14. Its been 11 years and I regret selling my 90 every day. Ill be a buyer for one again someday because of that. And also cars are just so expensive these days IMO. I might drop say 15 on something that should be 10 because I damned well cannot afford 30 or 40.
  15. Alternator? Have to tried to start it without the belt to verify?
  16. What about uShip or whatever it is? Maybe someone can just deliver what you are getting? I dont know how that works at all...Im just thinking "Shipping Wars" show.
  17. TURO? Example: $24/day and .023 per mile over 1000 https://turo.com/us/en/truck-rental/united-states/blacklick-oh/chevrolet/silverado-1500/799718?searchId=2wX1-FSJ
  18. You need permits and inspections regardless I believe, so they would know. That isnt to say you can have joe-schmoe go and fix the leak for you 'under the table'. Just risk fines and such if found out as with any other permittable work. Not as easy in a front yard.
  19. Agreed. Makes all the difference!
  20. Awesome pics! Do you air down? Just didnt really look like it from that first image.
  21. This has been moved to September 26th I am unable to edit my first post.
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