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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. That is true...they wont see the tag until they know they want you. If anything at a quick glance it may look like an out of state tag if they are not used to seeing them. Not sure if that is good or bad...I assume bad?
  2. I looked up some similar info since I thought I had a few too. Seems like you can get the grass going and then treat for grubs come mid-summer before they hatch in August. Sounds like treating now may not do much at all since it is early spring.
  3. That fox is badass. Noway itll come close to 'winning' this thing lol
  4. Good plan. Get more coverage on the next one. That extra 100 bucks/year would have "earned" you probably 5 grand in this case
  5. Scrap is probably $400. No way those rims are still good. Id throw it on CL for like 800 and take a lowball.
  6. They'll fix it. They cant let Cranberry Island die.
  7. Probably pretty fast. Right after I had gotten my new Mini a few years back I was headed south on 270 right before the 'new' 161 interchange. Where the pavement was patched together potholes were brewing. I hit one in the snow, at night and ruined a rim. I know we all cant (or dont want) big SUVs but I must say it is super nice with a 75 sidewall lol. I still dodge them, but its not life or death.
  8. Rent a truck. A Uhaul van is like $20
  9. Tell me where it is and ill fill out the online report form for it too!
  10. That think is super clean. Looks killer on those Highlander wheels too. Never would have thought of that!
  11. Discussing shaved Asians seems to be a right corner?
  12. Do you like PNC? They have a promo where if I open a new account I get $300. Free $300 sounds worth it. I have no real reason to stay with Wells Fargo since we moved from VA to OH...COULD be nice to have an ATM or two around to deposit / get cash. Kind of a pain always doing cash-back at the store to get cash, or have my dad write me a check to deposit it lol . From what I gather there dont seem to be any maintenance fees or anything, unless the balance is WAY low, ect.
  13. But the GTR is AWD no? No comparison to a Mustang
  14. Kind of ugly compared to its older brethren. Is the car THAT big or are the wheels smaller? They look like 17s!? EDIT: I see you said 18s...I guess its just a big honkin' car.
  15. I was just thinking about these the other day when I happened to see one in the wild. Probably been ten years since...they all seem to have died off at the same time...
  16. Yeah. I did have 215/40s on a 8" rim on my Mini...They were only a little stretched though.
  17. I think given only those two options, cramming a huge tire on a small rim is safer...I mean, the beads push OUT. Less tire would be less secure at the bead....the thing that holds all the air lol At least I hope so, that is what I and many others do with offroad tires....
  18. Yeah the FJ isnt nearly as light as those, so I hope it was just too big a truck for them.
  19. I guess they do make them...dont know why I couldnt find this stuff earlier... cool. http://www.homedepot.com/p/HOME-FLEX-1-2-in-MIP-x-3-4-in-FIP-x-72-in-Stainless-Steel-Range-Connector-HFRC-42-72/204626461?cm_mmc=Shopping|Base&gclid=CjwKEAiAgranBRDitfSQk_P7vnMSJAAhx5G5z-jyf6FakV5Bd9irF5czvGz98v-BjcwlDBgBs0T_ghoCXj3w_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  20. Shouldnt be. I am still running the pads, just now on Brembo blanks. They've been great for a few thousand miles now! As we know 'warping' is just uneven pad deposits, but being drilled NOBODY would turn them, so they were trash. Maybe they just didnt play nice together, which was odd seeing as I bought it all as a package.
  21. I can get underneath easily...Just a matter of not wanting to drill another big hole in the floor. I suppose if I can get a proper fitting from the "permanent" type CSST to the stove then I could essentially make my own slightly longer 'hook up' pipe. I'll have to see what the stores have in that regard.
  22. So purdy arent they. I hope you have better luck than me. My Powerstops 'warped' within 10K miles. Still running the pads. Love those.
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